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First period passed by without any big events. Jeremy gave him some looks and Rebekah kept grinning at him every time he glanced at her. Maybe she felt some sort of vampire motherhood psychological thingy for him now. All he knew was that she seemed different from how she used to act. Almost slightly more relaxed. But back to class, even though in the grand scheme of his life span high school meant shit, Elena insisted on him graduating. But he would be fine, he had his thermos with was still practically full, and people looking out for him.

Lunch was the first place he really noticed the difference between vampire and human. He still got curley fries for lunch when he sat down next to Rebekah and Lydia. Jeremy had some other class that period. But back to those curley fries, they tasted the same but they just didn't make him happy like they used to. They sorta just held up space in his stomach. It sounded even weirder in his head.

"What's the matter? Your greasy fried potatoes not as delicious as they used to be?" Rebekah asked having enough of Stiles' pouting.

"I don't know, it just all feels like why bother eating it if it won't actually feed me."

"Well if it makes you feel any better you can eat as much as you want and you won't gain any weight. Vampires are perfectly preserved from the moment they are turned."

"Can we just have one rule with this whole vampire thing?"

"Sure Lyds what's up?"

"No talking about your weird vampire diet while I'm eating. It. Is. Fucking. Disgusting. Clear." She over enunciated every word to make her point stronger.

"Crystal." Stiles gulped back in reply.

"So, to change topic, Stiles what the hell are you wearing. Gym shorts, really I would have pegged you as the type of guy to dress up for your new birthday."

"What it's comfy! And second is that a thing, do you really celebrate the day you turned like a birthday?"

"God I hope not, because just ewww. If so what ever respect I had for you is gone." Lydia added.

"No you morons. It's called a joke. Bloody hell you watch to much tv."

"Well to be fair werewolves do run in packs and have alphas."

"Speaking of werewolves are you gonna tell Scott?"

"That I'm a vampire! Lydia he still can't look at me without seeing Alisons dead face, how do you think he'd react to this. All of it, I mean how many people have you killed Rebekah hundreds, thousands? He would kill me, or at least cut me out of his life for good."

"Well I guess now is a good time to remind you that a werewolf bite will kill you."

"WHAT!" He shouted loud enough to gain the attention of the entire cafeteria and earn glares from any teachers in there. "What do you mean a werewolf bite will kill me. Oh god is it like twighlight where they just rip you to shreds?"

"What did I say!"

"Lydia as another gal I understand not wanting to think about this, but if Sitles is to survive he needs to know these things. In fact Elijah should start training you. He was always the most refined fighter of us. But back to werewolves. We don't know why it is this way, I've always thought it was just another one of nature's ways to try and erase us. But no it's not like twighlight, it's much worse. It's an infection that spreads through your body giving you fevers and forcing you to re live your worst memories. It's fatal to vampires. But on the up side Klauses blood is a cure."


"That's it I'm going to the art room, enjoy your disgusting conversation. Stiles give me the highlights later tonight." Lydia could not take anymore talk of blood while eating and took her leave. The funniest part was that on her way out Stiles and Rebekah could hear her mumbling to her self about becoming a vegetarian.

A New Life That May Include An Imortal Hybrid Where stories live. Discover now