Sleepover with a teacher ?

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Wilfords pov
We kissed for a while actually.  But I quickly pulled away once I felt myself yank him even closer , I have a reputation for losing myself when I feel too much lust. "......." staying silent I walked over to my desk and quickly scribbled down my number and adress onto a pink postic note .  He walked over to my desk and I handed it too him  " be at my place tonight. Don't tell anyone and if you don't show up there will be consiquences Mr ."  I winked at him , watching his grey face turn a slight tint of pink " u-uh. .. 10 o'clock?  That's an hour after my bedtime...."  I can't help but laugh a little  " You still have a bedtime? That's so sweet....I'm going to have to give you a bed time too then . I don't want your dad getting mad at me.."   he pouted and crossed his arms " you don't think he'll already be mad about me sneaking out to hang out with my teacher ?"  Oh yeah. Of course his dad won't know though  where he is though  " well yeah . But I still don't want you to get all tired and grumpy with me young man ." He rolled his eyes and quickly kissed my cheek before skipping out my classroom . As soon as the door closed I heard him squeal " A-anti you dang creep don't watch us like that !"  Chuckling slightly I begin to do the last of my work .

~time skip~ 

As soon as I heard a soft knock at my front door I hopped off my couch and flung the door open "...h-he followed me...." he looked down as Anti barged his way into my home " wow. Yer a rich boy aren't ya? "  I let out a loud sigh as he dumped his backpack on the floor  . Of course as Darks only friend he would just barge into his private meet ups like this " come on in sweety. Your friend obviously has no damn manners " when he walked in I closed the door behind him  . I  quickly walked in front of him , sitting next to Anti on the couch so there wasn't any more room " oh seems like the only seat left is on my lap..." he smiled however Anti stood up and Shoved him into his place . Seems like he's going to be a cockblock.  " do ya have any food then ?" I nod " in the kitchen...down the hall...." he frowns and taps his foot impatiently " you know it's rude for a host not to show his damn guests around "  I can't help but growl as I stand up and began to stomp down the hall  " you know you don't have to be that much of a cockblock. I  DO take good care of the people I date "   he skips into the kitchen and pulls open my cuboards  "  and? I ain't having what seems to be a 30 year old man snatch away my friend. I'll leave when he's asleep,  no one ever wakes him up when he's asleep"  I tilt my head to the side while he begins to hungrily eat a banana  " why wouldn't I wake him up ?"  was he going to wake up violent or something  "cause he  is fooking adorable when he sleeps . Not even his dad has the heart to wake him up...."  His dad is probably really soft then . If I had kids I wouldn't hesitate to slap them with their own pillows to wake them the hell up . Suddenly Dark comes running through the door and flings himself at me " oh...well hello there..."  Chica comes following after him , he squeals at the site of her and begins to literally climb up me  " no no ! G-go away beast !"  I smile and wrap his legs around my waist,  Chica was a sweet dog but him being scared of her sure is helpful  .  " oh no she got out of her cage? You should really stay on me for a while..."  Anti looked down at Chica and then began to bark and growl at her  " Hey !"  She ran back into the other room  " stupid dogs....." I frowned " that's enough Anti. Get out the house "  I was currently sick of his attitude,  before I slapped my student I need him to leave " what?  Yer kidding right? "   I grabbed the collar of his shirt and began to drag him down the hall "nope. Now shoo, you're upsetting Dark who is obviously tired "  I threw his backpack at him and slammed the door shut "ugh...thank god he's gone " once I sat down on the couch I softly kiss Darks forehead "sweety you're not asleep are you? The scary dog is gone now...and Chica is gone too "  he put his hands on my shoulders and put his forehead on mine  " Do you want to start off from when we last stopped? "  I had already gotten the preperations in my pockets  . With a soft nod he leaned foward and began to kiss me again . However half way through he seemed to just stop , I opened my eyes and sure enough . He had fell asleep while kissing me . Well maybe next time. I lay us both down and spoon him "....cutiepie...."

Darky needs his beauty sleep

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