Chapter 16

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Hi all,

This has been my favourite chapter to write so far. I definitely cried while writing this, so I suggest preparing the tissues if you're emotional like I am.

Please VOTE

Thank you



Calum's car stops in the parking lot at the police station. My heart rate increases as I anticipate what I have to do next. 

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" He asks.

"We can come with you if you want," Shelby tells me as placing her hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head slowly "thanks but this is something that I have to do on my own, you know"

"Yeah of course" she nods "by the way Mark Antony is a daddy"

"Shelby" Calum and I cry simultaneously.

I chuckle. It's true though. Chris is very good looking.

"Good luck" Calum half smiles at me.

I nod as jumping out of the passenger seat. I begin walking through the parking lot and to the entry. My heart pounds as my hands begin to shake. I take a slow deep breath as gripping the door and pushing it slowly.

I then walk towards the first desk I see and drop my arms onto the tabletop "Hi I'm uh here to see Ned Carter...He's in custody"

She nods "Are you family?" The female police officer asks.

I nod violently "I'm his sister, please let me see him"

If they don't let me see him I don't know what I'll do.

The brunette nods  "okay, follow me" I follow her through the police station nervously, after a minute or so we arrive at the cells. The room is covered with steel bars that separate the dozens of cells. The prisoners all glare at me viciously, causing my eyes to widen in fear "You have five minutes" she informs as we stop in front of Ned's cell.

The officer then leaves my sight, to my dismay. I glare at Ned who lays on the bed. He sees me in the corner of his eyes, causing him to sit up and glare at me.

"Sissy" he greets under his breath.

"Hi, Ned," I say slowly as taking a step towards the bars. "I'm here to say that I'm sorry"

Calling the police on my brother is the hardest thing that I ever had to do. I did it because I was afraid. I knew he wouldn't hurt Gina or me, but I was afraid for dad so I had to.

"Get away from me" Ned jumps up onto his bed and presses his back against the bars on the opposite side to me "I'm dangerous"

His eyes proved that he hasn't slept at all. Ned looks afraid, probably more then I do.

I shook my head "no you're not....your my brother"

"Your brother is on the news" he grits his teeth as his entire body trembled "He's getting called unstable and mentally ill"

"I'm the mentally ill one, not you" I half smile "I love you"

I'm the one who has been medicated for an anxiety disorder since I was fourteen years old. Ned acts saner then what I feel. 

"Don't" he shook his head violently, spitting when he talks "You need to stop defending me, Elise"

"I could never" I shake my head slowly.

Ned is my blood. It's my job to protect him from dad and whatever else life throws at him. We both know that he can't deal with anything alone, he needs me like I need him.

"Exactly" he jumps off the bed and takes steps towards me "go tell reporters how you watched your unstable brother stab our dad through his gut"

"No Ned" I shake my head as tears roll down my cheeks "You're just hurting that's all-"

"Stop making excuses for me!" He orders "go talk to your friends from ancient history and tell them how big of a disappointment I am, I can only imagine what you call me!"

My friends from ancient history; Everybody I'm close with has been given a name, after one of the ancient rulers. I've never told Ned what I call him, it's something he's always wondered.

"Ned you're scaring me" I exclaim "please stop!"

"What do you call me!" He screams.

Looking at the guy in that cell is not me looking at my brother. He's an angry, emotional, broken guy that I don't even recognize.

"Claudius" I sobbed.

"Why?" He raises his voice.

Ned doesn't know anything about ancient history. It took me six months to explain to him who Cleopatra was.

"Because you're so damn broken!" I snap. Ned responds by taking a step back. "Claudius was considered something of an embarrassment to his family! An angry drunk...Unlucky in love"

That's when my brother comes back. His face completely changes. He's no longer angry, just broken and emotional.

"I'm an idiot" he begins to weep "a damn idiot" he then starts hitting his head against the steel bars with a great force "fucking idiot"

The regret in his voice is what hurts me the most. He's now thinking about the repercussions of his actions, and the possible jail time he may face.

"Stop it!" I beg as wrapping my hands around his.

"I fucked up! I fucked up so bad!" he continues as his words begin to grow incoherent due to his tears.

"Yeah you did" I sniff "but you can make it right"

"How?" he looks up at me.

"I can convince dad to bail you out and he'll drop the chargers" I nod "there's no way he'll let you go to jail"

"I don't know" he sighs "I'm pretty sure he rather I rot in a jail cell then come home"

Yeah, that may be right. What I'm saying to him is bull. I doubt dad would care if Ned were to rot in a cell. At the moment, I am just saying whatever it takes to calm Ned down and to assure him that he'll be okay.

"Times up" the guard calls from the door.

That was definitely not five minutes.

"Can I just have-" I start.

"Now!" She orders.

I sigh as glancing at my brother whom continues to cry "I love you, stay strong"

"I love you sissy" he sniffs as I walk towards the guard.

My biggest challenge now is trying to convince dad to drop the chargers. That's not going to be easy.

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