Chapter 6

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~Author's note~

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been updating. I had gotten caught up with school and friends so I'll try to update as much as possible.


That night when I got home I stared at my phone, not having the guts to call Luke yet. I started my homework and ate dinner alone, dad had been out working late again.

I check the time, 9:57 pm. Maybe Luke was still awake, I could call him now. No no, it's weird. He didn't give me him number directly and he was only absent one day. Plus, if he did answer the conversation wouldn't last long and knowing me, there would be a lot of awkward silence. If Luke doesn't show up tomorrow, I'll call him then.

I get up, leaving my phone on my bed and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once my teeth were brushed, I lay in bed and fell asleep in an instant.


I wake up to the sound of Bruised and Scarred by Mayday Parade, the song I had set my alarm to.

I get up and walk over to the bathroom. I decide to leave my hair down. I brush my teeth and stare at myself in the mirror. My eye lids were slightly puffy from sleep. I grab my liquid eyeliner and make a thin line on my lid, not too noticeable but enough to brighten my eyes.

I walk back to my room and dress into my leggings, a plain black long sleeved shirt, and a maroon college sweatshirt that once belonged to my cousin. I grab my grey winter socks, my combat boots, and my backpack as I exit my room.

I check what was once my mother's room, empty. As always, my dad must of been out all night. I head to the kitchen for breakfast before I head out.

It was 5:47am and I still had some time before I have to go out and walk so I made myself some eggs and toast.


By the time I had finished and put away my dishes, it was already 6am. So I left home and started walking to school. The sun had been out today as well as yesterday so the snow had turned into black slush near the road. It was warmer than yesterday but the cold was still nipping at my nose. I pull out my earbuds and decide to listen to some music as I walk to school.


The halls were nearly empty as I walked through them. There were footsteps echoing as some students walked to a club meeting but other than that it was quiet. I walk by the attendance office and pass by a woman who is typing rapidly into her computer.

I check my phone, its only 6:30am, Most students don't come till another 20 minutes. I walk over to my locker and twist the lock to my combination.

28 twist right, 38 twist left, 28 pull

I pull out the books I'll be needing today, it's already thursday so I won't be needing my science textbook.

I still have time to spare so I head towards the library. As I open the door my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. I look at the number, I'm not familiar with it, I put my thumb on the screen to swipe and answer it as I hear my name being called.

"Hey.. Cynthia, right?"

I look up to find Calum waving at me, a new book in his hand.

My phone stops buzzing and my screen shows 1 Missed Call. I'll check back at it later. I walk over to Calum.

I don't talk much but when I do, the conversation doesn't seem to last. But with Calum the words come out natually.

"Yeah, hey Calum."

He smiles at the mention of his name. "What are you doing here so early?" he asks.

I look at the open book at his hand, "I was about to ask you the same question."

"Hm well I'm not quite use to the timezones yet."

I look up at him, I had recognized his accent but I didn't know he recently came from Australia, "You just recently came?" I ask.

He rubs the back of his neck, "Yeah, my dad had been offered a new job and he took it, next thing I know I'm on a plane to America."

I nod, that explains why he's a late transfer.

"So, why are you here early?" he raises a brow.

I shrug, "I wanted to get out of the house earlier."

He nods as he turns the page of his novel. I lift the book ever so slightly to see what he was reading, The Fault in Our Stars. It's a good book, but too cliché to me, two sick teenagers fall in love but in the end the guy dies. It was really a shame that he did because I loved the way he thought. I eye Calum

He catches my stare, "What? I like it."

"Another typical John Green book where the male character dies." I sigh.

"I know right. Poor Agustus, I thought he was actually kinda hot." he jokes.

I laugh, not loudly but a small, short laugh. He smiles.

He turns and puts the book back into the shelf. "Well I gotta go, its nearly 7:00am, I hear the halls get pretty crowded." he stares at the clock on the wall.

I nod, "Yeah, I'll see you around."

He walks past me as I grab another novel from the book shelf. I hear his footsteps as he walks away but they stop.

"Cynthia.." I don't turn around to face him but I listen closely. ".. Be careful around Luke."

The footsteps continue and I hear the door open and close. I feel a chill run down my spine as I set the book down.

Why did Calum even mention that? He only came yesterday and Luke was absent, how does he know him? Why did he say to be careful?

My mind races as I continue to think. The library is silent but all I can hear is the thoughts going through my head.

I jump as I feel a hand touch my shoulder.

"Hey, I was looking for you."

I turn to see Luke, with a warm smile on his face and his dimple prominent.

"Hi Luke." I mumble.

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