into it

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You woke up and you were surprisingly really happy so you decide to clean the house then, you got a call from Jonah. You answered immediately. " hey!" You answered. "Y/N! How are you?" He asked. " actually I'm great!" You said. "That's great!, I'm just really bored. And they should be releasing me sometime today." He said. "Oh my god that's great!" You said while smiling. "HEY KEEP IT DOWN FREAK" your dad yelled " I..I gotta go. I love you" You hang up. You ran back upstairs and started to cry. " I'm such a fuck up.." You whispered. Jonah called Daniel " hey Dani?" Jonah asked. "Yeah what's up?" He answered. "Can you do me a favor?" You asked. "Yeah what is it?" Daniel said. "Can you go to Y/N's house and check on her please" he asked. "Yeah of course." Daniel said. "Thank you." Jonah hung up, and Daniel ran to Y/N's house. He walked in and went upstairs and knocked on her door "go away!" She sobbed. "Hey Y/N its daniel can I come in?" He asked. "Daniel..go..away!" She yelled. "Im sorry but I'm coming in.." Daniel said and opened the door and walked to Y/N. "What do you want.." You ask. "Jonah wanted me to check on you. And it seemed like something happened?" He asked. "Nothing.." You lie. "Y/N" Daniel said. "What's wrong." He continued. "Okay! Im a piece of shit, I'm a fuck up. Im not worthly my whole life is a mistake!" You yelled and lift up your arms and tons of scars are there. " oh my god.." He said. You bursted in tears "in sorry.." He immediately hugged me " no, im sorry. Jonah wants to see you." Daniel said. " okay." You answered. You both walked out the door and Daniel carries you and runs to the hospital. You arrive and he sets you down and you check in and go to Jonah's room. " see ya laterz" Daniel runs off smirking. "Hey" Jonah smiles. "Come here" he continues. You walked closer.  "Yeah?" He leans up and kisses you " I want to call you mine" Jonah pulls you closer and makes out with you and you kisses him back and sit and his lap while he is holding onto your ass. Jonah starts to lick your neck "Jonahh" you moaned. "Yes baby?" He said. "Why here?" You ask. "Why not ?" He answered. You bit your lip and he continued and about a half an hour later he stopped. "You should go. Im about to be released. "O-Okay." You got up and walked out and ran back home. Jonah finally got released and his leg is doing great.

:,) sorry for a dirty chapter I just felt the need for it anyway I have school in a week so fml I'll try to be as active. AnyHOO hooked is playing so gotta jam out to that adios

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