*chanting from rooftop*
i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it when people constantly and i mean constantly complain about themselves like no
you're beautiful and smart and creative and strong and powerful and no you aren't fat and no you don't suck at school and no you aren't a terrible friend no no no no no
i wish for a second everyone could just turn around and look at themselves whether it be in the mirror or the grand scheme of things or just inside your head and think
you know what?
i might not be fully happy with myself
but damn well it's not that bad
i'm not fat, i'm curvy and beautiful and honestly yes i wish i could look nicer but let's just try at least to be happy with what i am
and no, you don't suck at school
because you're trying your absolute hardest and working your ass off and yeah, you might not be where you want to be at but i'll be damned if there isn't room for improvement
you aren't stupid
you don't suck
you're growing and learning and exploring and trying new things and trying really fucking hard and it's so damn wonderful and inspiring and unique and the fact you don't see that for yourself is heart shattering
i know it's hard
it's really fucking hard
and i know you think you cannot do it
but maybe if everyone would just lay off themselves and give themselves a break because NO. BODY. IS. PERFECT.
then maybe we'd all be happier
even if it's baby steps. even if you get so far and something happens and you fall all the way back down again it doesn't matter because it's progress and you can do it and you will because i believe in you
so next time you're writing a report or painting a painting or looking at yourself in the mirror
instead of thinking 'this is crap i'm going to fail' or 'i can't fucking do this' or 'i'm so fat and ugly' try think of something else
think about how much effort you put in, how much you've learnt from this experience that you can use in the future, how this is only one small step of the staircase to success.
think about how enjoyable it is to use the brush and how relaxing it is to watch all the colours blend together into this beautiful creation, and how next time you'll be so much better because life is about learning and practicing and enjoying yourself.
think about how far you've come. you damn well enjoy that burger, i know you do. i know you love eating that ice cream and i'll be damned if you make yourself feel bad about something because of how you look. there's more to you than what meets the eye. your stomach that you think is fat, your thighs that you think jiggle, your boobs that are too small. you're perfect. stop it. you're beautiful. those intrusive thoughts are not true. your imperfections are what makes you outstanding and i wish people would try to understand.
you are beautiful. i know it's so damn hard but hell you'll be a lot more happier if you stop putting yourself down all the damn time.
i know it's thought to be impossible, i feel the same way about all those things and countless more. but whenever one of those thoughts arise you know, i try and stop. don't focus on the negatives of life because it'll be over like that and you will regret it. focus on being happy. not perfect. perfect isn't achievable. but happiness is.
i know it's hard
i know it seems impossible
but please i want everyone to try