Welcome to Station Square!

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I'm going to switch POV here so it's always going to be Sonic! I do better with story's like that...I think..

I stared out of the car to our new house, which was bigger than I thought it would be. It was a two story, a nice shade of green, and a decent amount of windows. A gray roof covered it, with a little chimney sticking out. Even I have to admit, it was pretty cool. My mom squealed softly, hugging Dad.

"Our new house!" She sighed," I'm sorry Sweetie-" She turned to me,"- I really am."

"Don't worry about it, Mom," I shrugged.

I wasn't that sad anymore, I was still pissed off that I had to leave my friends and everything, but was slowly accepting it.

"Oh, let's not waste time then," Dad smiled looking at me," Let's check out the new house."

To be honest, I loved the house as much as my old one. We had bigger rooms and a actual guest room. Heck, my room was even bigger! Also, a flat screen sat in the living room, with a play station!


Though, I wonder why the former owners left them.

I mean, they are not that cheap...


It was after dinner, so me and my Dad decided to go walk out and explore for a little while. The neighborhood we were in was huge with its own park. A few people came to greet us, saying if we need any help, feel free to ask them. We even met my new class mates!
They didn't seem fond of me, which I don't blame.

Me and my Dad talked for longer than we thought(Mom called to tell us that!) so we had to race home. That was fun since I haven't really gotten a real race.
I spent rest of the night unpacking my stuff.


"I love you!"

"Make new friends!"

"Be good!"

"Alright!" I yelled, shifting my backpack," I'll be fine!"

"Good luck,Sweetie!" Mom gave a soft kiss to my cheek while Dad ruffled my quills.

"Be good, son," Dad smiled, and I returned it.

Lucky thing, I could walk to school, so (yes!) I didn't have to ride the bus.


How am I going to make friends?

Making friends is hard. I mean, I'm social and everything, but people either can't stand me or keep up. I really have no idea how my group and I even became friends!

Okay...meet the fox kid or something!

I now hate moving...


"Hello! Nice to meet you Sonic. My name is Mrs. Bosma, I'm the principal." The white fox smiled sweetly at me.

She seemed young to be a principal, but I'm not complaining. I nodded and sat down in a seat in front of her desk.

"Here is your schedule-"She handed me paper-" I will tell Tails to help you throughout the day. " Mrs. Bosma said, as she typed away on her computer, her fingers almost flying across the keyboard.

"Wait..." I mumbled," Tails? He's that fox kid..."

Mrs. Bosma's ear twitched. She slowed down in her action and nodded.

"He should be here any second now, so just sit tight." She smiled again before typing away again.

"You type really fast," I blurted.

"Yes," She said, still not ceasing in her action," Said to do two hundred words a minute."

I stared in shock as she almost grinned.

"Wow," That's pretty much all I can say.

Suddenly, I heard the door creak and some shuffling.

"Oh my heavens!" Was heard from Mrs. Bosma," Oh, not again."

I turn around and notice a orange two-tailed fox with cuts and bruises. His muzzle was white with turfs of fir coming from the sides and his chest. Ocean blue eyes were filled with pain and fear.

"What happened..." I managed.

The little guy shook his head and shivered.

"Oh, come here," Mrs. Bosma hugged the fox," I'll get you going to the office. Sonic ill send you a new person."

She left the shaking kid to a intercom, biting her lip almost in question. Her nails tapped her oak desk before she mumbled," Oh, please tell me this isn't going to be a mistake."

She clicked a button and calmly spoke," Shadow to the office. "

And then she clicked it off.

"Tell him he needs to help you," Mrs. Bosma said," I need to get this young kit to the nurse."

Her soft dark blue eyes closed.

"We need to help you Tails," She said as they walked out the door.

While I waited for this Shadow guy to come, I played a game of 'I Spy' in my head. I sat in the chair and checked my shoes and readjusted my gloves.

Sheesh, how long does it take to get here? It's already been at least 8 minutes.

The now familiar creak of the door opening entered my ears. I turned around to see this Shadow guy.
And I was greeted by a low growl, glaring red eyes, and shining black fur with fluffy chest fur. He seemed to have red stripes on his quills and up his arms and legs.

I didn't know if I was to stay silent or talk because the glare was actually killing me.

"Uh," I squeaked," You're s-"

"I'm have to help you, correct?" He said with a snarl," I've done this before, after this day you leave me alone,got it?"

I just nodded.

"Hurry up, class starts soon, and this day already seems way too long," Shadow almost hissed, his red eyes glowing with hatred.

Well, this is going to be the death of me...

Poor Tails :( I sorry I had to....
At least Shadow showed up... Tell me how you think...?
And fav I guess...

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