Learning Secrets or Lies

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Okay, I just realized I'm standing in Shadows bedroom aboard this space thingy. And I should be looking for my parents and 'her' bedroom, but I stumbled in here and haven't gone out for about 5 minutes...? Okay, maybe a bit more, but don't blame me okay? I'm a curious fella...

I slowly walk around looking in draws finding notes that I read, pictures of Shadow with a blonde haired girl with pretty ocean blue eyes. They are both always smiling into an old camera, I could tell because the picture itself. And some of the pictures were warn out and you couldn't tell what the pictures were, making me wonder how some of the other pictures survived. The girls name I believe was Maria...

I feel bad snooping around, alright let's go find my parents.

"Mom! Dad!" I yell, cupping my hands as I walk into never ending corridors.

I groan loudly as I get no response. Lost, I think I am lost...

"Thanks a lot Shadow..."I growl into empty air.

"You haven't even asked my help," Shadows voice rang out of a headset with the mic that I forgot I had on.

"Shadow!" I sigh with relief," I have no idea where I am!"

"Have you looked at any maps?" Shadow asked.

"Uh, no I haven't been able to find any..." I slowly stopped, grinning sheepishly.

"Faker," Shadow growls.

"Sorry, I just haven't seen any!" That wasn't a lie! I have been walking around everywhere, and I have not seen at least one map! Like, how big is this place!

"Alright," Shadow sighed and I heard tapping again," You're at the west wing, keep..."

His voice faltered.

" Keep what?" I asked.

"You're near the escape room...where she was..." I swear I heard a sob.

"Just keep moving forward until you reach another hallway then move left," Shadow mumbled softly.

I had to strain to hear his voice.

"Alright," I said," Are you okay?"

"I'm alright," Shadow growled.

"Whatever you say," I shrug and walk forward following instructions and turn left as I reach another hallway.

Slowly I found myself standing in the most cared for room that was in this place. Or at least was. Blue wallpaper peeled from the ceiling, carpet teared up and no longer soft. The bed posts had webs between them and the atmosphere was dark and gloomy.

"Okay," I said to myself," No ones in here."

"I could see that," Shadow suddenly cursed,"No ones in that place...Sonic it's a tr-!"

His voice got caught off as I hear static enter my ears.

"Shadow!" I yell into the mic," Shadow!"

The only response I got was static.

Suddenly the old space colony bursted into life as I heard Eggmans cackle from the speakers.

"It's so easy to fool you!" Eggman laughed," But, alas, your parents aren't here. They're down at Earth, waiting for you to save them!"

"Eggman!" I scream out in anger before storming out of the room.

"Do you even know Shadow?" Eggman suddenly said.


"Protect Shadow? He's mass destruction, can kill anyone he wants to. Shadow the Ultimate Life-Form. He wants to kill you too."

"That's a lie!" I scream.

"No, I assure you Sonic it is not," Eggman sighs," I bet you believe he truly is in love with you. Guess what he is not! Good actor, isn't he?He never was. Once he gets what he wants, he'll leave you and you won't see him again."

I shook my head, that was a lie, no way would Shadow leave me, he told me he loves me and I believe him. Every word he has said, I believe him. Even if Shadow hasn't told me his whole said, his whole story, I will always believe him. Part of me wonders how Eggman knew about me and Shadow, probably has been spying on me. Wondering the walls with Eggman talking lies about Shadow was driving me up the wall. But what Eggman just said, caught my attention.

"Do you want to know why G.U.N. killed everyone that Shadow knew?"

I stayed silent, praying that he wouldn't continue as I turn another hall.

"Shadow was made to destroy Sonic, why do you think he controls powers that are so destructive? My great Grandfather made a deal with an alien called Black Doom, that Shadow would help the alien collect the Chaos Emeralds and then destroy planet Earth. Shadow, killed his best friend too, did you know? Know he carries this for the rest of his life."

My eyes widen as I stop all movement and look around. I could now see bullet holes that decorated the halls and on the floor.

"Ah, now you could see..." Eggman cackled," I'm telling no lie my blue friend! But now that's in you're head...have fun defeating these!"

A big hole in the ceiling opened and a bunch of robots jumped out and landed in front of me, pointing there guns and lasers ready to fire at any given moment.

All I did was stand there thinking...what if that was really true?

A bright light entered my vision and I saw Shadow destroying the robots with his chaos energy.

A destructive power...

Made to destroy...

"Sonic!" Shadow approached me and sighed in relief at seeing me safe.

Another pile f robots feel from the ceiling and both Shadow and I fought them. He really did love me right?

Good actor, isn't he?

Killed his own best friend...

The more I though about it the more I thought it wasn't lies...

Was Shadow really out to kill everyone? He is always mad at everyone at school and he does get into a lot of fights that leave the other person almost dead. Does that mean he doesn't like me? Love me for that matter? My heart feels torn and hurt and in starting to feel betrayed.

Shadow dodged another missile and rescued me from bullets.

Was these all true?

Are should I just walk away?

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