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I can't believe Im letting Colby drag me to this party. And knowing him he will probably go off and forget all about me leaving me alone at a place i don't even want to be at.
Why does he do this to me he like puts me in a trance where i do whatever he wants its so incredibly frustrating how much power he has over me and he knows it to.
He knows he will always get whatever he wants from me 
"Hey sammy ready?"
Colby stood in my door way with his all black look a black shirt with black ripped jeans and a black leather jacket.
He looked good.
"Yea I guess so"
"You look good"
I felt my cheeks heat up.
Why does he do this to me.
I was just wearing a white shirt and
Black pants with my white Vans.
"Let's go"
I get in Colbys car and we drive Off.
We pull up to brennens place and there is already a crap ton of people.
We walked up the steps and Colby is instantly greeted by everyone. 
I kinda if just trail behind him.
The music was loud and giving me a headache inside the house had a strong smell of Weed and Alcohol
There were sweaty teenagers grinding against each other it reminded me of highschool dances just with drugs and alcohol.
"I'm going to get us a drink stay here" colby yelled over the music I nodded and awkwardly stood in the center starting to feel very overwhelmed suddenly I felt eyes
Brennen came up and gave me a hug he smelled like the party. weed and alcohol
"Hey bren nice party !"
"Thanks man here have the rest of my drink i was just about to get another one!" I looked around and couldn't find colby so I took the drink from him
I took a sip and a warm liquid slipped down my throat hitting my stomach causing me to make a weird face
"Come on Sammy boy. let's dance!" I finished off his drink and threw the cup somewhere. Brennen grabbed a hold of my waist and our bodies started moving against each others.
Soon enough colby came into my view with 2 red solo cups. he had no emotions on his face
"Here sam" he handed me the cup shoving Brennen off me.
Brennen ignored his action and I gladly took the drink.
"Hey colbs!" Brennen shouted
"Brennen" colby started acting weird.
I felt his eyes burning my soul. I chugged the drink he gave me feeling a little dizzy
"I'm going to get fresh air " i shouted.
"Let me come to. we will catch up with you later OK colbs!"
"Actually i want to come to"
I pushed my way through the hot body's and made it to Brennens back yard the 2 boys shortly following.
We sat at the end of his pool and took off our shoes letting out feet dangle.
"Yo who wants some weed" Brennen said as he pulled out a thin paper and a baggie filled with weed.
"I wouldn't mind having some " colby said
"There's a man ready to party!!!" Brennen shouted
"Sam what about you?" He started making the blunt as i thought about it I never smoked before let alone mixing it with alcohol
"Come on sammy I didnt invite you to be a party pooper"
"Fine..." I said instantly regretting my choice.

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