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(Do not do drugs)
sat at the end of my pool lighting up the fresh blunt I'm about to share with sam and Colby. Honestly i was surprised they wanted to do it in the first place. But here goes nothing.
I inhaled the drug it calming myself from all the nerves and then passed it to Sam who hesitates to inhale but ends up coughing.
"Is this your first time?" He blushes making my heart flutter.
"Uh kind of ya"
Colby gets tensed when he said that but takes the blunt from Sam.
We do this in complete silence for a while.
"So. How is everything. "
"Fine" they both mumbled.
"How's the explanation videos going "
"Good. We haven't got caught yet so there's that. " we heard screaming from the inside of the house making us all jump.
"Probably someone just messing around".
Damn this weed is shit.
The blunt was finished.
"Do y'all wanna play a game"
"Sure what kind"
"Would you rather"
"Nah that's lame"
"Let's play truth or dare"
Same makes a face
"That's lamer what are we 14 year old girls?"
Colby starts staring off into space.
Brennen :" dude you ok?" He was staring at a girl. She was pretty. If I was into girls.
"Colby truth or dare"
Colby snapped out of it.
"Uhh. Dare"
I smirked knowing the evil plan I had.
"I dare you to go up to that girl and ask for her number"
"What he fuck no" he bounced back immediately I look at Sam and he was so hurt.
"Ok that or kiss Sam "
He blushed a lot. Wait what am I doing Sam likes Colby. If I do this i won't even have a chance with Sam. I regret this.
" I'll kiss Sam"
"Really!?" We both were shocked
"I mean ya. At least I won't have to talk to a girl and give her the wrong idea. And plus we are friends for ever it won't be weird "
This was a bad idea.
Colby cupped sams face Sam looked at Colby with love and lust.
Colby looked at him with sadness and regret.
I sat there. Paralyzed.
He leaned in and placed his lips on sam's. I was angry.
He stayed a little to long
"Dude what the fuck" Colby pulled back confused
"That's what you asked me to do. If you didn't want it to happen why did you dare me to"
"It was a joke I didn't think you'd actually do it"
"Why are you mad Brennen it was just a stupid kiss"
Sams face fell.
"I mean not stupid it was great I mean it just was...." Sam got up and walked away
"Great look what you done " I got up and tried to follow him.

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