New Faces

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"So ladies what is the chemical equation for photosynthesis?" He asked us with a he knew we weren't paying attention attitude.
"6CO2 + 6H2O  ————> C6H12O6 + 6O2." We all said in unison.
(Quick side note: for the sake of comedy there will being cursing in this chapter you have been warned)
———Let's Continue———
Your POV
Bella, Lauren, and I after a few seconds of realization hit looked at each other and started to giggle. "Everyone knows that." Lauren added. then turned to the teacher to see a stricken look on his face as he began to stutter.
"T-that's correct." He gulped and continued the lesson. Afterwards Bella handed me a piece of paper and a pencil so I could draw with her instead of just staring out the window. Fifteen minutes later the bell rang and we grabbed our stuff and left the class first.
"Ya know," Lauren started "They didn't hit you guys anymore with any bits." I looked at her for a second then realized Lauren was right as soon as we answered the question the guys stopped throwing stuff at us. 'Strange' I thought we stopped outside a classroom and Bella turned to me and Lauren. "This is my stop tell Smii7y I said hi and we're meeting at the place too ok?"
"I will don't worry about it." Lauren replied. Bella nodded and waved and walked into the class. I turned to look at Lauren and she noticed my confusion. "Oh Smii7y is one of Bella's other friends." She said "you'll meet him in a minute." I nodded as we entered into math class. The teachers name was Ms. Finches she is a bit extra I could tell by the way she introduced us.
"Class these are our three new students." She said in a sing song voice. The class looked at confused in the room I saw Mini, Cartoonz, and Moo in their seats. She didn't realize her mistake until someone raised their hand. I couldn't see their face because the teacher was blocking my view. "Yes Smii7y?" Ms. Finches asked.
"Uh there are only two girls here mam." The boy known as Smii7y said she turned her attention back to us and called our names. "You're (Y/N) (L/N) yes?" I nodded "and your Lauren Reynolds correct?" Lauren also nodded "Then why in the world does it say I have three new students!?" She raised her voice as she looked confused.
"Oh! Uh the other new kid Bella Wyvern is in a different class," Lauren said "She will be rotating classes for tomorrow and next week." Ms. Finches made an oh face as she turned to her desk then back to us. She told us to go sit where ever we want. I was then tugged by Lauren up to the the row right in front of Moo, Cartoonz, and Mini. "Hey Smii7y!" Lauren cheerfully said as she sat in the next row in front of him. I sat in the seat on his right, as I felt stares burn in the back of my head.
"Hey I'm Smii7y." He said as he reached his hand out for me to shake it. I shook his hand and I studied him for a sec. Smii7y had white hair with a propeller hat on his head. He wore blue and red glasses like the 3D ones. He had on a yellow hoodie with a white shirt that said milk underneath.

 He had on a yellow hoodie with a white shirt that said milk underneath

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"Probably already know but I'm (Y/N)."
I said to him "uh Bella also said something about a meeting place as well?" I asked him curiously but he just grinned.  " You'll meet the others there." He told me. I decided not to question it any further. Because if Bella and Lauren trusted him, so can I.

*~ Time Skipper doo ~*
Throughout math I felt the overwhelming stares from behind me but thank god that's over for now. Me Lauren, and Smii7y were walking to our lockers, until Nogla appeared and tripped me and Lauren. Smii7y caught Lauren while a random person caught me.  "You good?" I turned around to be met with a boy with platinum hair, brown roots showing ever so slightly. He had green eyes and was wearing a navy blue hoodie with the words 'drop out' on it.

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