I Love You.

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Tord POV

After Y/N told me that she liked Tom, I couldn't stop thinking. Would Tom return her feelings or leave her heartbroken? I know tons a monster, but Y/N's a werewolf. I told her to tell him how she feels. I also told her how I like Matt. Matt is so cute, he's also nice. But I'm too scared to tell him how I feel.


I like Y/N a lot, but does she feel the same for me? Even though I'm a monster, I would never hurt her. She's far too precious. Maybe I should tell her how I feel. I don't know how I would. I just love everything about her, her beautiful (E/C) eyes, how she laughs, how her smile brightens up the room. Just everything about her I love. Maybe I will tell her how I feel.


As I walk to Tom's room I see Tord and Matt talking. I remember that Tord told me he liked Matt. I stand and watch them for a minute, then continuing my way to Tom's room. As I stand before Tom's door, my anxiety starts to kick in. I knock gently and Tom opens the door. "What is it, Y/N?" He asks me. "Tom there's something I need to talk about with you."


"Come on in." I tell her. She walks in and sits on my bed, I sit beside her. "So, what do you need to talk about with me?" "T-Tom," She beginning to stutter, is she ok? "Tom, I-I love y-you." Is she serious? Or is this one of Tord' smear jokes? "It's okay if you don't feel the same way about me." She says. "Y/N ... I love you too." We both blush a deep crimson.

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Anyways shout out to Magicpotion725  for the idea of tordmatt. Be ready for more upcoming chapters! Stay Tuned!!!!!

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