The End of a Bargain

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He was breathtaking. Alec knew he was staring, but he could not bring himself to be ashamed. His eyes raked up and down the man's form, taking in the burgundy shirt unbuttoned so far down that he could see the firm chest underneath.

His cheeks flushed slightly when he brought his eyes back up to meet golden ones, staring just as unabashedly at him.

The man tilted his chin and spoke, his voice honeyed and smooth.

"You're her brother?"

Alec shook himself. This was a stranger and he would not let his guard down around him. No matter how beautiful he was, he had still taken his sister captive.

He gripped the blade in his hand tighter, his voice betraying his anger as he replied tensely, "yes, I've come to demand that you let her go."

The man's eyes darkened and he took a step forward, everything about his posture screaming danger.

Alec took a step back, even though he knew he could easily take him on. He was taller and possibly stronger than someone who probably sat at home all day. But he knew better than to underestimate his opponent.

"You are in no position to make demands."

A hot wave of anger swept through the prince and he stiffened. Thunder roared suddenly and he jumped, hating the way his skin prickled when the man swept his heated gaze over him again.

He opened his mouth say something, anything but the man held up his hand, his eyes musing.

"Alexander, is it?" A shiver ran down Alec's spine. The way his name sounded on his tongue was almost sensual. No one ever called him Alexander unless his mother was particularly displeased with him.

"Do you know what we do to thieves, my dear Alexander?" Alec barely suppressed a growl. A stranger using his full name was bad enough but this one had the audacity to call him dear?

"It's Alec." He gritted his teeth, Isabelle's eyes flicking to him in concern. She looked fearful and that stirred up more of his protective big brother tendencies.

The man was smiling, a wicked smile that made Alec's stomach sink.

"We cut off their hands."

Isabelle gasped and he could feel her terror as she moved closer to him. Her grip around his wrist tightened and he folded his lips together tightly, refusing to give the man any satisfaction.

There was a beat before he spoke again, his voice lilting.

"She took something that was precious to me and therefore must pay the price... unless..." There was a pregnant pause and Alec's body tensed.

"Unless you take her place."

Isabelle cried out before he could react, her eyes turning to him. Without a second thought, Alec was nodding.

"I will. Take me if you want. But let Izzy go. Unharmed." He said, ignoring his sister's protests.

"She will never return. You will stay. Forever." The man intoned, his smile growing wider. Alec's stomach dropped.

His family.

He would never see them again.

"Alec, no. I can't let you do this. You are the crown prince!" Isabelle gripped his arm, shaking her head wildly. Her dark hair fell into her face and her lips were blue with cold. Alec looked at her hard, memorizing the planes of her face. He would never see his baby sister again.

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