Beautiful Monster

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Maryse Lightwood was worried.

She had not slept all night, tossing and turning in her bed as she awaited her son's return. Even her most failsafe method for falling asleep had not worked, the warm milk and cinnamon sitting heavy in her stomach as she fretted over her son's safety.

At last, when the sun's rays fell over the foot of her bed, dawn painting the sky a rosy pink colour, she rose from her bed, dressing quickly as the footsteps of soldiers echoed in the hall right outside her chambers.

"Your Majesty! The prince's horse has been sighted at the city's gates!"

Maryse tugged her loose dark hair back, sliding into slippers as fast as she could. Her heart was thudding in her chest as she raced down the stairs, the very same route she had taken the night before when Valiant had come to them, riderless.

She made it to the doors by some miracle, without tripping or stumbling and was at the door just as a black horse came cantering into the courtyard, heavy hooves striking hard against the cobblestones.

Its hide was damp with sweat and it was mouthing at the bit, pawing the ground nervously. A girl sat atop the saddle, her face wet with tears, soaked to the bone. She was still crying as Maryse ran up to her, reaching out to help her from the saddle.

"Isabelle, oh my baby." Isabelle buried her face into her mother's chest and wept as she was helped inside.

"Where, where is Alec?" Maryse was almost afraid to speak the words, fearing that her carefully worn countenance would fail her. She held her daughter close as the servants bustled around, lighting the fire in the Great Hall.

Isabelle collapsed into the armchair, sobbing as if her heart would break. A green crystal hung on a silver chain dangled from her neck, glowing softly. Maryse stripped the wet cloak off the princess, gathering her into her arms.

"What's going on?" She turned her head to see her adopted son, Jace standing by the grand staircase, bi coloured eyes staring worriedly at his sister.

He approached them warily, turning his head to look questioningly at his mother.

"Where's Alec?" Maryse opened her mouth, but words failed her. She glanced down at her daughter and Isabelle pressed her hands to her mouth, whimpering, "he's not coming back, ever."

"Alec's not coming home."

The food was delicious. A mixture of rice and spices that Alec had never had before. There was some sort of flatbread and hummus drizzled over with some spicy sauce, mushroom soup so creamy that it was nearly too rich to eat. A glass of butterfly pea flower lemonade, dyed a pretty purple and a sweet lemon custard for dessert, covered in a dome of glass made of sugar.

He had eaten in his room, like Catarina promised, dressed in his bathrobes. She let him bolt the door, promising that she would not let Magnus anywhere near him until he was ready.

Alec did not think he would ever be ready to see his captor again. He thought it would be too soon even if he never had to see him again. No matter how beautiful the place was, how beautiful Magnus was, he was still his jailer.

The room was silent, disturbed only by the wind whistling occasionally through the slightly opened window. Alec had looked out of it, wondering if he could climb out, but his room was too high up. If he tried, he would have fallen and broken his neck.

Idly, he wondered if Izzy had made it home alright, if his family would ever be able to cope without him. The burn of resentment rose up like bile in his throat as he stared at the sugar glass glittering prettily up at him.

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