The Scarlet Necklace

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A/N: Well, it's been 1914045 years since I came back with an update. Y'all can thank my recent rewatching of Shadowhunters for this chapter. If I didn't get stuck back into Malec, it would probably have been a lot longer before I came back. I don't know how many people still follow this but WE ARE CLOSE TO THE END! I say that every chapter but this is actually pretty close. The goal is to end this before the year ends :) Enjoy!

Alec flopped down by the wall once more, sticking his hand into his pocket to touch the paintbrush. His heart still ached but he was filled with a newfound determination to wake Magnus.

Both literally and figuratively.

He wanted Magnus out of Camille's clutches. It broke his heart to see how tormented he was. Even if Magnus wanted nothing to do with him, he could be returned to Ragnor and Catarina, who would take care of him.

Alec's belly rumbled and he pulled out the paintbrush. It was a simple matter to paint an apple, pulling it out of the wall.

It was a beautiful apple. The red shine of its skin reminded Alec of Isabelle's garnet jewellery. They were always the most lovely scarlet.

He sat up, picturing Isabelle's favourite necklace in his mind.

The gem that fell into his hand looked like a drop of blood, refracting the sunlight. It almost seemed to give off its own glow, tinting Alec's palm with soft scarlet. The gold setting made it look even more expensive, fitting for a vampire queen.

Alec painted a chest, lined with velvet trim and a golden lock.

Such a beautiful necklace deserved a beautiful box to go with it. He laid the necklace onto the soft pillow, the blue velvet bringing out the scarlet tones of the pendant. Carefully, he shut the lid, turning the key.

Crawling into the bushes, he nibbled at his apple. When he held only the apple's core in his hand, he huddled under the thickets and dozed off.

When he awoke again, it was nearly dusk. The sky was pink, dusted over with the grey of the approaching night. Alec stopped for a moment, watching the stars blink into existence.

For the property of an evil, conniving queen, the castle was beautiful in the night. Its darkness only accentuated the bright stars that lit up up the blanket of the sky like diamonds in Isabelle's favourite dress.

Alec's breath caught when he turned for the briefest moment to see the drapes in Magnus' windows twitch open.

He sucked in a sharp breath when the man himself appeared, this time dressed in a lovely royal blue suit that brought out the gold of his eyes. His beautiful cat eyes.

Alec found himself frozen in place, unable to pull his eyes from the vision that Magnus made. He appeared almost mournful, turning his silver mirror over and over in his hands. Even from the distance, Alec could see the rust creeping over the handle.

He ached for his own, even if it was useless to him. It made him feel closer to Magnus, even for a brief moment.

Magnus stood in the window until someone called him. He turned and an arm reached through the door, crimson nails gleaming in the dim light. Alec's heart nearly stopped when a delicate hand curled around Magnus' arm and the woman stepped into view.

It was Camille. Her dress was the colour of blood, slinky and so tight against her body that Alec swore he blushed. Her jet black hair was let down, the wind blowing it softly.

She said something and Magnus responded, with no emotion in his eyes.

Alec knew he should look away before he broke his own heart but as if a magnet was pulling him, he kept watching.

Camille stepped closer until she was nearly chest to chest with Magnus. Her pale hand curved around Magnus' cheek and then they were kissing. Crimson lips against pale, bitten ones.

Alec sucked in a sharp breath, pain flooding his chest. He wished that were him, holding Magnus close. So close that his world had only him.

His only consolation was that Magnus did not seem enthusiastic. He allowed himself to be kissed but gave only the most minimal response. Camille did not seem to mind, either way, turning her head to meet Alec's gaze directly.

She smirked at him and a long red nail traced over Magnus' lips, possessive.

A hot flush of anger burst in Alec's chest. He clutched his box tighter and turning away, striding straight for the great doors. This time, the guards did not stop him.


Magnus sat upon his bed, still dressed only in his velvet robe. Raphael had left him at last and he was alone in his room.

Something seemed strange about the air as if the world itself held its breath as he turned his mirror over and over in his hand, examining the three crimson drops that stained its silver handle. He felt more alert than he ever had, as if the fog that settled over him when he arrived was finally lifting.

Idly, Magnus wondered if it had anything to do with that strange boy that Camille had brought before him, demanding he identify. He brushed the thought away at once.

He had no memory of the boy, no matter how oddly familiar he looked. But then he had no memories of the life he had prior to Camille anyway.

Magnus inhaled, the air cold and sharp in his nostrils. It woke him up, gave him the strength to put aside his mirror and go to the balcony, where the sun shone through. The warmth of the sun seeped into his skin and he purred contentedly, like a cat. That was the first time he had felt warm in a long time.

He touched the bannister, surprised to find it warmed by the sun. Even when the sun used to shine, everything around him had been cold, like the walls of the castle made warmth impenetrable.

Magnus stroked the stone with careful fingers, his heart suddenly lighter.

A soft breeze swept past, carrying with it the scent of roses and a memory came unbidden. It was fragmented, unwhole, an image of a girl in a red cloak and a boy with damp hair and steely eyes.

Candlelight danced, flickering and Magnus saw himself reflected in deep pools of brown. He clutched at his mirror, eyes widening.

The boy had a name. He was sure of it.

But before he could fully form it, the memory was gone, like dust in the wind.

Magnus stood alone once more on the balcony, staring over the too quiet gardens of Camille's castle.

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