Ch 21 - Confronting Your Superior

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You wake up and continue thinking about the situation between Miss Orimura and Madoka. Charlotte noticed that you weren't getting dressed.

"We have class this morning. You should get ready." Charlotte said.

"Go on ahead. I will meet you there. I have something important that needs to come first." you say.

"Very well. Just be safe alright. I know you are thinking about doing something." Charlotte says.

"I'm going to confront someone and give them a reality check. Nothing physical just a talking to. Don't worry I will be fine." you say.

You get up and give and give Charlotte a kiss before she heads off to class surprising her. She looks back at you just to make sure you are alright before leaving for class.

Alright, time to get down to business you thought as you got dressed. You dress professionally and head out to find the person. You hoped it goes well for you. You walk the halls for a while until classes are in session. Knowing your target was in the classroom already you waited outside of the class to make your move. You could hear attendance being taken place. You hear Miss Orimura's voice and Charlotte's.

"Do you know where (L/N) is?" you hear Miss Orimura ask Charlotte.

"He had something to do he said." Charlotte said.

"Doesn't excuse him from class. Miss Yamada please take care of the class and today's studies while I go search for him." Miss Orimura said.

You heard footsteps heading towards the door and you had a smirk on your face knowing your tactic worked. Now it was time to face the music and confront her. The locked disengaged and the door opened. Miss Orimura walked out shutting the door behind her. As she went to head towards your room. You called to her from behind. She instantly turned around and had a look of anger on her face.

"What do you think you are doing skipping class?" Miss Orimura said.

"I'm here to talk to you alone. I planned this scenario out just to get you by yourself. Why don't we go to your office to discuss this. I don't want to cause a commotion in front of everyone." you say.

"Very well. This better be good." Miss Orimura says leading the way to her office.

It doesn't take long to get to her office. She opens the door and you walk in sitting in the chair in front of her desk. She sits down in her chair and faces you.

"What is this about?" Miss Orimura asks.

"This is about you and Madoka." you say.

"What about it?" Miss Orimura asks with caution in her voice.

"It's time to face the past. Before you say anything hear me out. When we left your office yesterday I saw the look of hatred on your face for Madoka. If she is Ichika's twin and your younger sister then give her a chance to redeem herself. I haven't seen her do anything wrong. She is actually starting to make friends here and seems happy here. I don't know what happened in the past but this is what I see. You all three are family. No matter what happened in the past family is family. You may have differences. That is fine. She wants to be accepted by you. That was her whole reason for coming here. It's time for you to face the music Miss Orimura. I have faith in her as a friend. Instead of always treating her like a thorn in your side, maybe you need to start accepting her and try to be a family for once. Now if you will excuse me, I will be getting to my classes." you say and get up leaving the room before she could speak.

You left Miss Orimura in her office with a shocked look on her face. Now it was time for Miss Orimura to make a decision. You only hoped she made the right choice. You head to class to do your studies that was required of you.

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