Chapter 23~We Will Meet Again

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Few weeks went by after the battle with that dark creature and neo metal sonic,was finished mobius returned how it was before.

We then headed over to the master emerald at the shrine with the chaos emeralds,their power and energy have returned.

Standing infront of the master emerald was miles and my mother was standing infront of the stairs.

Cream : "Miles! and Queen Clarissa!"

Clarissa : "Celia,Sonic,everyone thank you for what you have done as you defeated the dark creature here,in the past it was defeated aswell but.."

Miles : "When the queen used up all of her energy in the past fighting the dark creature her body couldn't maintain the energy of the crystal"

Celia : "Because..the power couldn't be controlled right?"

Both nodded,explaining more i began to understand even though i wasn't going to see her again but she would live in my heart forever.

Clarissa : "Its time for you celia to return you to your world..and remember i will always love you once you have said your good byes i will send you back"

I nodded then looked towards sonic and the others,with sadness but i smiled.

Celia : "It was great meeting each one of you,i know we didn't spend that much together and have adventures because of the dark creature."

Tails : "Its not a problem celia..and um will you come back again to see us"

He said with a blush,as i bent down and kissed him on the cheek he went bright red,doing so shadow,silver and knuckles were not happy with this.

Celia : "Hehehehe also sonic and other sonic thank you"

Sonic : "Nah don't mention it"

picking up the other sonic i kissed him on the cheek then put him down,now knuckles,silver and shadow were more not happy with this.

Celia : "Amy continue catching sonic's heart,cream be safe and help your mother,espio,vector and charmy you three continue to help out,rouge and blaze you two have been good friends,and finally silver,shadow and knuckles"

The three of them looked over to me,i walked over and giving each one of them a kiss on the cheek and hugs then letting go the three of them blushed bright red.

 And finally giving a kiss on vector's,charmy's and espio's cheek then finally the other tails.

Cream,Amy.Blaze and rouge and i hugged each other then i turned to sonic.

Celia : "Sonic keep on going and no matter what challenges bring you never give up and keep on being strong"

Sonic : "Hahahaha i will indeed never give up"

Clarissa : " time now.."

I hugged sonic tightly,not wanting to leave but i had to go back,he hugged me back softly.

Letting go i kissed him on the cheek,with clarissa's last remaining power light surrounded me and then i was gone,miles and my others thanked everyone.

The two of them vanished now resting in peace.

After returning back to my world,mobius was quiet and peaceful everyone was doing their own thing,the other sonic and other tails returned to their world with metal and mecha sonic once they were defeated along with robotnik.

My life returned back to normal meeting my friends,and going to that summer festival but everyday as i look towards the sky.

I always remember that day and never forget was thanks to them they made me a better and stronger person.

So for me and them this is not good bye..but we will meet again this time in a whole different matter and have so many adventures.

In which i can't wait for that day...

The End.

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