Majik Monet Miller is a beautiful chocolate girl, with a heart that's pure as gold. She's always had a good head on her shoulders and has always been able to handle anything life threw at her. Adonis Joelle Washington is a man with a heavy heart an...
I was so nervous sitting next to this guy. When I walked into class something weird happened. It was like I was hypnotized or something. His eyes were glued to mine and at that moment I literally felt my heart stop. All I know is this man was beautiful and sitting right next to him was not helping my nerves right now. " So class I'm sure you know how I am but now I want to know who all of you are. Why don't we start with that side of the class and make our way down here. I want you to say you name , age , and 3 things about yourself. And if you want to ask your fellow classmates a question on anything they said feel free , but be respectful." NOOOO! I don't want to stand up and speak to the class. I honestly don't even care to know these people. Well I guess that's not true because I really want to know about Mr.CutiesPants over here. So I guess I'll take part in this , but hopefully he has to go before me because I'm scared I'll say something stupid in front of everyone. One girl got up and started telling the class about herself and the entire time I was thinking about what I was going to say without being overly shy and making myself look like a fool up there. " Ms. Miller , why don't you go next." Bitch. I sighed and stood up already seeing everybody's eyes were already on me. Well here goes..
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Yes ! She went before me. I really hate speaking in front people. It's something about it that made me super nervous. I heard her take a deep breath before standing up. She must not want to do this either. She slowly stood up and soon as she did all eyes were on her. " Um hi .. My name is Majik , and yes that is my real name. I'm 18 years old and I like music , books and writing poetry." She was going to sit back down until Mr. Renolds told her to stay standing because they class might have questions. A few people raised there hands for questions for Majik and I was glad because I could listen to this girl talk all day. " Yes Ally you have a question ? " Mr. Renolds asked this skinny white girl with blond hair. " Yeah I have a few since people are scared to asked. So Majik is really your name ?" Majik rolled her eyes at the stupid question. " Yes. Didn't you hear what I just said." Well damn. Baby have a little spice to her. I like that. "Anything else ?" she said. It looked like she was starting to get annoyed with the girl already for asking something so dumb. I mean if I were her I'd be like that to." Actually ye-" She was cut off by the timer that was going off signaling class was over. Majik got up and walked out of class so fast I almost didn't catch her in time to talk. ALMOST
I swear that girl was so close to getting a bitch response out of me. Like I just said that Majik was my real name stupid. I really hate when people do that. Anyways when it was time to go you know a bitch was out the door before anyone else was and right when I was out the door I heard a voice call out to me.
Man when I tell you this girl sped out of class to quick it made no sense. I ended up catching up to her so I called out her name to get her attention. "Majik ! Wait up. " When she turned around and saw that it was me she started blushing hard. Wow. This girl is really beautiful. She started slowly walking towards me meeting me halfway. Now honestly I don't even know what I'm going to say to her. I didn't think she'd actually stop to talk to me but I can't even lie I'm glad she did. " Um hi. I'm Adonis. Adonis Washington. Anyways I don't want to hold you up just thought I'd tell you that your name is beautiful .. much like yourself. " Did I really just say that right now ? I know I sound like a level 5 cornball. But I see that she's smiling so maybe it wasn't that bad. She looked up at me and said " So you came all the way over here to tell me that ?" " I don't know .. " she continued " I think you could've done a little better" Oh she have jokes. I laughed with her because I know my game was a little off, but hey I mean I don't really approach women. " Yeah that did sound really corny huh ?" I asked. " Just a little. But it was cute that you tried." Cute ? Now we getting somewhere. We started walking down the hall not really going to a specific place, just was continuing the conversation. " So .. " I started. " How are you liking DCU so far ? Is it like you thought it would be ?" we sat down at a table since we did had an hour until our next class started. " Um it's okay I guess. The people here are kind of nice. " she had to be talking about me right ? " You must be talking about me because you were finna give ally them hands in class. " I said laughing. She started laughing with me and said " Man you don't even understand what I go through when I tell people my name. They either think it's really ghetto or I'm a stripper." I looked at her like she was crazy. She looked at me and started giggling. What a sound to hear. " What " she asked laughing. I smiled and said " Nothing. I just hope you're not the last one. I mean that would be me like luck. The one girl I talk to ans actually like being a stripper?" " That would just crush me" I said halfway joking. She looked taken back and said." Well, you're a lucky guy. Because I'm NOT a stripper" she said laughing. " You know Donny.. you're a cool guy and all, and I'd really love to sit here and talk to you but I have to get to class now," she said sadly. "But .. if you give me your number maybe we can finish this talk later?" My heart literally dropped to my asshole. " Here," she said passing me her phone while I gave her mine too and just like that the speakers started flying and a connection grew.
Hey, guys I know I started to write a story before but it was really hard because I didn't have the time. But now I have everything I need to make a good story. Tell me what you think so far.