Chapter 4

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I can't believe I really just did that. I'm honestly not that bold whatsoever but, talking to him and looking into his eyes I just felt comfortable around him. Like I could really be myself you know? It was later on in the day and I had just got back home from my half day of school. I walked into my quiet house and decided I'd shower and take a nap but then again if I took a nap I probably wouldn't be able to get that text from Adonis and that's something that I can't miss. I know we literally just met today but I do want to talk to him. He seems like a nice guy but I can see something is off about him. Like something was hindering him. Ever since I was a little kid I knew that I had a gift about things like this. I've always been able to kind of read people. I like to call it my " Majik Power ". Even laughing in my face I could tell he had something heavier on his mind but I won't ask him about it just yet considering I don't know him that well. I'll get to know him and see if he opens up to me on his own. As I got out of the shower I heard my phone start ringing. I picked it up and saw it was my mom calling. Ugh, I hope she's not about to start with the petty stuff.

Phone Call

Me: Yes Muse, what can I do for you ?

Mom: Well for starters you can take ya lil ass on down to Sephora and get me my Trophy Wife back.

I knew she was about to start her shit. She was so serious about her makeup but I said sorry!

Me: Listen here woman, I will get you your little funky ass highlighter back okay? But right now I'm trying to relax and you stressing me

She started laughing. I guess she thinks I'm a joke or something.

Me: I know you didn't just call my phone to irritate me huh?

Mom: Partially, but nah on the real, your father and I will be working late tonight. I hope that's okay with you? We know it's your senior year and we want to make sure you have the best experience and that's means making sure we have the funds to support yo black ass.

I just laughed at her. My mom and dad both dropped out of high school after finding out that they were going to have me. My mom was working 2 jobs while my dad worked 80 hours a week just to make sure we didn't want for anything. A few years after having me my mom went to take her G.E.D, passed and after that, she went on to a 2-year college where she got her degree in nursing. As for my father, he put just enough money to the side to buy his first truck. Fast forward 18 years later and he is now the proud owner of Miller's Trucking Company. I admire my parents drive and hustle because without them working so hard I wouldn't have the life and opportunities I have now. So I think it's silly when they ask me if it's okay for them to work later.

Me: Momma you know you guys working late doesn't bother me. I know y'all making them coins for me.

She sighed and changed the subject like I was annoying her. Rude ass.

Mom: Like I was saying, when we get home tomorrow we have a surprise for you so don't sass me when I tell your ass wake up you hear?

A surprise? You don't have to tell me twice.

Me: Yes ma'am.

Mom: Now I love you. I put some money in your account so you can get something to eat. I'll call you before you go to bed I have to go baby bye.

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