2- Date

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"End training sequence!"

Lance yelled into the open. The drones he was once fighting fell to the ground and vanished. It's been awhile since Lance hit it up in the training room, and with a new one in the Atlas he was bound to give it a try.

Panting out of breath, the Cuban let himself fall to the ground, dropping his sniper lazily beside him.

"Nice one McClain! You need to teach me how you do that"

Lance looked up at the entrance to see Kinkade.

"Kinkade! Hey!"

Lance says, voice slightly raspy and still out of breath.

This has become a routine for the two over the past months, Lance would train and Kinkade would join in, Lance sometimes showing him some tricks with the sniper.

Lance got himself on to his feet as Kinkade made his way over.

"Are you here to take me on as usual Kinkade?"

Lance said with slight cockiness, placing a hand on his hip with a shit eating grin.

"Please, call me Ryan. But actually, I was wondering if you could talk me through some more tricks you may have on using your sniper?"

Lance stretched himself a bit.

"Well! I need to get my shower done so maybe over lunch?"

Kinkade smiled, and says before turning to walk away.

"It's a date!"

"Yep its a- wAIT WHAT!?"

Lance's face changes from a smirk to a flustered mess, his face painted with pure red.

"I mean...it doesn't have to be a date"

Kinkade shrugs as he starts to walk out.

"Just suggesting!"

Lance stood speechless, until snapping himself out of his daze and started running after the boy.

"HEY HEY HEY Hey hey! I...I never said it couldn't be a date"

Lance shouted which soon changed to his normal tone as he got closer to Kinkade. Lance was soon walking beside Kinkade, the boy looking down at Lance with a smile.

"So a date?"

Lance shyly smiled back


I'm barely writing here I'm so sorry!!

Kinkance OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now