3 - Alteans

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An au where everything is the same except Lance is prince of Altea and Kinkade is his advisor but they in love! Also this is super short I'm sorry!!!

"Okay Paladins, I think we've got a lot of work done yesterday so I think we should get a break day, mainly cause I want a break day!" Lance announced, giving the Paladins a goofy smile at the end.

'Thanks god's and satisfactory sighs erupted from the group, making the Altean giggle a bit.

"Well what are you waiting for?"
Lance asked, and with that said everyone started to sprint off in different directions to do their own things. Lance smiled, stretching his arms in front of him before turning to go in his own direction.

He made his way to his bedroom, carefully opening the door to see Kinkade still fast asleep in their shared bed. Smiling softly, Lance made his way over to his boyfriend's side of the bed, bending down to be eye level with him.

Lance spoke softly, rubbing his thumb against the other's Altean markings under his eyes.

He watched as Kinkade's eyes fluttered open slowly. Kinkade suddenly sat up, his eyes wide.

"What? Is something wrong? Is the castle being attacked?"

Kinkade was brought out of his panic by his lover's laughter. He turned and looked down to see Lance in a heap on the floor.

"No, Ry Ry! Oh my goodness!"

Lance was laughing so much that tears sprung from his eyes. Calming down and ridding his eyes of tears, he sat up to face his boyfriend. "We're having a break day sweetheart!"

Kinkade sighed with relief, falling back down on to their bed. "It's about time babe! You've worked us to bits!"

Lance smirked, standing up from the floor, placing a hand on his hips.

"Well someone has to make sure everyone is in shape for when the Galra attack!" Lance then smiled, slowly getting up on to their bed, straddling Kinkade.

"Come on! I think I deserve a little something for my hard work baby!"

Lance whined. Kinkade sat up, giving Lance a peck on the lips. "Okay! Now I'm sleeping" He says as he falls back down again.

"Baaaaaabe~" Lance whined louder.
"Well sorry but I deserve a little something for my hard work too! And that's sleep!" Kinkade justifies as he closes his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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