Chapter 13

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"It really means a lot to him." Trev said, as I pulled out of the driveway. I looked over to him for clarification.

"You staying, being there for him. He doesn't know how to express it but really Finley, it means a lot." Trev looked as me intensely, his eyes dark and intimidating. But only now I recognized the tenderness he was trying to express. It seems like he himself wasn't the best at expressing emotion.

"It's what friends do." I said gently, smiling. His eyes flashed with humor for a split second.

"Friends..." the word hung in the air with an uncertainty I couldn't attribute anything to. He smirked. "Huh."


I grabbed a few things to make chicken and rice. I wasn't a master chef but I could handle that much at the very least. I picked up a pack of onions and Trev of course, let out a groan of protest.


I looked to him. "You don't like onions?"

"I don't like vegetables. Let's just get pizza." He grinned and I rolled my eyes.

"You can eat yourself to high heaven in pizza when I'm gone. For now, try something different." I taunted him, holding the pack of onions on front of his face.

He sighed in dejection, before taking them off me to add to the cart. I also grabbed some more vegetables, much to Trev's dismay. But he seemed of perk up when I grabbed a box of brownie mix. With all the things on my mental list checked, we bought all the things and loaded them in the car.

"It's so weird to think that we only met you a month ago," he sighed, throwing a bag of rice into the back of the car. "It's always just been Trev and I really. Sometimes Dollie but not with dealing with all ... that stuff. It feels weird to have a new addition to the club."

I crinkled my nose. "You make it seem like a cult."

He grinned. "The sacrificial ceremonies start Sunday."


Trev left as soon as we got back, declaring he had some errands to run and he'd be back later that night. Dollie was away too which meant it was just Oscar and I. I nervously placed down the groceries and started to prepare dinner. I saw it was ticking onto eight o clock.

"Do you want to stay tonight? It'll be late when you're driving back." He offered from the couch and I contemplated it. Was it weird that I felt safer here?

"I have to stay to look after my patient." I chided and he bounded towards me, hobbling only slightly.

"I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself." He said, stopping behind me. My Breath fell short as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"But I do appreciate you being here, Fin."

I froze momentarily, my brain freezing. His body felt so warm, like I could just melt into it. He felt like a blanket on a really cold day, where I'd drink cocoa and my grandmother would tell me stories.

He felt like happiness.

I shrugged him off, laughing awkwardly.

"What else are best buds for?" I grinned and he raised an eyebrow.

"Are we best buds now?"

"I've seen you get shot, almost strangle someone with a dog lead, complain over having to eat animal biscuits, saved you from certain death on the side of the road and we're on this whole time travel- evil organization fiasco together. I think that elevates us to best buds."

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