Chapter 13

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Morgans POV

*3 weeks later*

I was sitting on my bed looking threw twitter Sam and I having been talking alot ever since the night the party happened.

 He said he was sorry about bully me and he would never do it again.

 I told him that I didn't completely forgive him and he understood..

*ring ring ring* My ringing of my phone interrupted my thoughts. I looked at the number and it is Sam:) I pressed answer.


M-Hey Sam!

S-Hey Darling

(He called me 'Darling' whats that suppose to mean? I ask myself)

M-What are you doing?

S-Oh nothing! But.. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tonight..?

M-Of course! I would love too

S-Great! I will pick you up at seven... Oh ya and don't wear something to to fancy!

M-Ok.. And I won't. Bye!

S-Bye babe!


It was only 4:00 so I still had some time. So I got on social media and looked threw twitter. And I found a new tweet that Sam did.

"@SamPottorff I'm going on a the BEAUTIFUL @MorganCaylen." (Not a really twitter)

 I smiled at that tweet and looked at the comments.

 There was alot of hate and some nice comments.

 Hate comment said like 

"She fucking ugly you could do better." 


"Shes a fat pig."

  Some nice comments said 

" OMG shes sooo beautiful!"


"Stop hating on he your just jealous that shes Jc Caylens sister and Sam's Girlfriend! Tbh shes gorg!"

 Those comment left a big goofy looking smile on my face.

 I look at the time and it was 5:30 so I got up and took a shower dried my hair and did my make-up.

 I went back into my room and Put my outfit on out fit on, (Outfit on the top) and left my hair down sooo I heard the doorbell ring.

 I ran downstairs and opened the door. 

"wow you look great." Sam complemented. 

"Thanks" I replied.

 "I hope you don't mind riding your penny board." He said pointing at his.

 "Nope! I don't mind at all." I said said and did a goofy smile but I didn't care.

 I grabbed my penny and I started skating and following Sam to God knows where. 


Yep! That's that. I'm going to put the date in the next chapter and trust me! That one will be way way way longer than this! And I'm going to start putting what she is wearing on the side know! I hope you liked this chapter! Comment,Like and Share! I love you guy! ~Logan

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