Chapter 15

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Morgans POV

I woke up to laughing and yelling I guess Jc is doing a collab video or something.

 I got up and went to the bathroom to make myself look decent and threw together a outfit  and put it on. (Outfit on the top) I went downstairs and got some breakfast and starting eating.

 I got done eating so I deiced to catch up a little on PLL (Pretty Little Liars). 


I got done with PLL and I heard foot steps coming down the stairs.

 I ran to the mirror to make sure I look presentable I looked at the stairs and saw Kian and Connor I went up to them and we started talking.

 "Hey Morgan." Kian and Connor said at the same time. 

"Hey guys whats up?" I asked them.

 "We just got done filming a collab video." Jc said.

 "Cool are y'all leaving?" I asked them because where walking towards the door.

 "Ya we will be back in a little bit and oh ya mom went on a business trip so she won't be back for a couple of weeks." Jc said. 

"Oh ok.. Well I will see y'all later I guess." I said with a half smile.

 With that they walked out of the door. I sighed and ran upstairs in to my room and checked social media I looked threw my feed and a tweet caught my eye it said.

@NiallOfficial: @MorganCaylen We should hang out I think we would be pretty good friends. :)

I screamed at the top of my lungs. I can't believe that Niall James Horan tweeted ME. I tweeted him back right away. I'm mean who wouldn't?? I tweeted this back to him

@MorganCaylen: @NiallOfficial Maybe we should DM me. :)

I was soo excited I couldn't believe that he actually tweeted me. Soon I heard my phone ringing and it read out Sammy<3 I quickly answered the phone


S- What the fuck?


S=I saw you and Niall's tweet!

M= Ya.. What about them?

S=He totally trying to get with you!!

M=Sam I wouldn't let that happen your my one and only babe.

S= Promise?

M= Promise listen I got to go bye! 

S=Okay bye babe.


I sighed and looked over at the clock wow already 10:00 pm!? Time really does fly. I deiced to go watch Divergent to kill time cause I wasn't tired. 


I finished the movie and right as the credits came on I heard the door slam open and shut and I knew right away Jc was drunk.

 I quickly tip toed up stairs and tried not to make a sound because whenever Jc is drunk He get's mad real easily and with my sarcastic mouth I don't need to be near him. 

I got to my room and quickly closed and locked the door I turned off my lights so he think I be sleeping because if he saw my lights were on he would come in cause he knows were my mom hides the keys.

 I guess you could say when Jc's drunk he's a real drama queen I grabbed my beats headphones and put Troye Sivan's song Happy Little Pill on replay and layed down and fell asleep to the beat of the song.


I hope you guys like this chapter comment, like and share I love you guys!

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