Chapter 17

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 ^^ ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO RIGHTFUL OWNER ^^ (For the video) Song-Not About Angels By-Birdy.


Morgans POV

I walked in to see everyone in o2l BUT Sam....

 "Hey guys.." I said kinda worried.

 "Hey." the all said at the same time. 

I walked over to the couch and sat in between Connor and Kian.

 "Soo... What did y'all need to talk about?" I asked. 

"About Sam.." Jc said.

 "What about him?" I ask.

 "Well... I.. Well we don't want you dating him?" He said.

 "Wh..a.t wh.y?" I stuttered. 

"He's bad news Morgan don't get us wrong we love Sam to death but Jc told us how he treated you plus Sam is a player once y'all you know he will leave.. I have seen it happen." Kian said.

 I felt a tear escape my eye.. "But I think I..... Love him." I said crying harder. 

"I'm sorry Morgan I don't want to see you get hurt." Jc said giving me a tight hug.

 He soon let go of me.

 "I going to give him a chance and i'm going to test him if he try's to have you know with me in the next 2 weeks then I will break up with him.. BUT if he doesn't then we will stay together.. Deal?!" I said sad/angry.

 "Deal." They all said at the same time.

 I marched upstairs into the bathroom and got out my razor. I looked at it I have been clean for a week now but that streaks going to end here I slowly place it on my skin and I was about to cut when I got a phone call from.. Nash??? I haven't talked to him in forever plus I didn't want to talk to him I picked up the phone and answered it.


M-What the fuck do you want Nash

N-Hey! Morgan I know its been forever but I need to ask you a favor! 


N-C'mon please Morgan just this one favor.

M-What is it?..

N-Hayes girlfriend Brinley needs a place to stay but our mom won't let her stay here can she stay at your house for a little bit?

M- Fine.

N- Great I will tell her! Bye morg! I miss you

M-Yea bye Nash...


I sighed and flopped on my bed and fell asleep right as when my head hit the pillow.


I woke up a car door shutting and then a knock on the front door.

 I got up and made myself decent we didn't have school today because of some teacher meeting or something I then ran downstairs and opened the door to be face to face with Nash again.

 "Nash..." I sighed. "Hey Morgan.. this is Brinley." He said to a girl who was taller than me about 5'6 maybe and looked around 13 or 14.

 "Hi you must be Hayes girlfriend!".

 "Yep!" she said with a smile on her face. 

She had blonde hair a little past her shoulders and she was fairly skinny.

 "Okay! Come on in!" I said.

 She came in a sat on the couch I said goodbye to Nash and shut the door and sat on the opposite couch as her. 

"So I guess I will show you the guest room." I said.

 She nodded and followed me upstairs to the guest room. 

"So how long can I stay." She asked a little worried.

 "How ever long you want." I said smiling 

"Thanks." She said a little shy.

 "Well I will let you settle in I will be downstairs if you need me." I said and smiled.

 She smiled and nodded and with that I shut the door and went into my room and Laid down on my bed listening to Not about Angels By Birdy and I didn't mean to but I fell asleep.


I hope you guys like this chapter I know it was short but I'm going back to school tomorrow and stuff and ya! Comment,Vote,Share I love you guys! ~Logan

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