Someone Gets Hurt

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CoUgH ive been listening to a lot of mean girls recently.

To summarize whats happened cuz ye:
Eliza is new in school, first and best ppl she meets are Maria and John L. The 'Plastics' are Martha, Adrienne and Theo (Theo Sr.) And like, you know the story from there if you've watched mean girls.
Eliza starts turning into a bitch, lies that shes out of town, throws a party without Maria and John knowing, the great interwebs exposes her and they find her and like ye.

"Eliza..? What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be out of town?" Maria goes up to the raven haired teen. She and John had driven over to her house to see if rumours of a party were true.

"Sixty different people are posting pictures of your party!" Maria grew furious

"You know I couldn't invite you! I have to act like I don't know you!" Eliza exclaimed. Maria sneered, "You are 
full of lies." She stepped closer, "This is your house, you could invite whowver you want, you could change the way the world works! You just decided not to!"

Eliza crossed her arms and avoided eye contact, "You would hate this party."
"Why? Are you having an amazing time with your 'amazing' friends?" Maria mocked. Eliza whipped her head towards her angrily, "Mari, I can't soend every second with you! It's not my fault your like in love with me or something!" She yelled. Maria stared at her, looking offended, "What?"
John seemed to grow nervous behind Maria in the car, "Oh no she did not.."

Maria sighed, "See, that's the thing with you plastics. You think everyone is in love with you when actually, everyone hates you." She glared. "You made me like this! It was your idea for me to pretend to be a plastic!" Eliza tone was anmoyed as she glared back at her 'friend'. "Buddy, it's not pretend! You are as plastic as they come!"

"You think your shit don't stink, you think the rest of us are dumb!" Maria gestured to herself and John.
"I hate Martha's guts, but here's what you don't comprehend!" Maria's voice started to break up and she stepped closer to Eliza, "At least she has the guts! To not pretend to be my friend!" She pushed Eliza harshly, almost making her fall. Eliza was ready to yell at her when she saw tears running down Maria's angry but hurt face, making her make up run down her face as well. "Maria-"
"No it's fine!" Maria interrupted, "Really fine!" She quickly made her way back to the car, "Totally fine!" She got in, slamming the door shut.

John glared at Eliza, tears at the corners of his own eyes as he drove off.
Eliza watched them leave.
Even though her house was filled with a whole bunch of people, she felt completely alone.

Im tired.

I haven't written any of my stories for like

100 years skdjdkdjdid.

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