The Sweater(Text)

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Your babe is back hEeEey
I'll try to write something better soon, hopefully

💞Lizzie Lou💞
Mari Mari guess whaaatt

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖

💞Lizzie Lou💞
I got you the present you've always wanted~

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Oh boi, what is it?

💞Lizzie Lou💞
Remember that one kinda weird sweater you found online?

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Omg omg is it the aheago sweater ;0

💞Lizzie Lou💞
Uuh yeah, that one lmao it came in the mail today and im afraid to open it in my home because I will be questioned, a lot. So im driving over

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Ishfndjfnekfjfj I love you but stop texting me your gonna crash

💞Lizzie Lou💞
UgH fine 😁

💞Lizzie Lou💞
Im knocking hurry up and answer your neighbor's dog is staring me down and i dont like it

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Im coming im coming dont get your panties in a twist

💞Lizzie Lou💞

~40 Minutes Later~

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
bby im sorry please lemme back in my room its cold out here

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Baaabe im sorry i said you make a good aheago face?

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
I figured you'd take it as a compliment

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Guess not 🤷

💞Lizzie Lou💞
It was embarassing and your comments didnt help 😫😣

💞Lizzie Lou💞
Dont talk or text me anymore as of right now 😒

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
your so stubborn 😩

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
i dont understand how you could actually be so mad at me right now

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
i mean, like, i literally just had my tongue down your throat 5 minutes ago

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Fine me and my beautiful new sweater will sleep out in the hallway 😤 good night (i love you)


Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Thank you for letting me back in my rom mister easter bunny 😁😁

💞Lizzie Lou💞
Shut up and go to sleep 😑❤

Queen Maria👑👏😤💖
Yes ma'am ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2019 ⏰

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