Whore-ible Weeb

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"Why are you dating someone like me again?" Maria sighed. Both her and Eliza were laying together on Eliza's bedroom floor on a very hot summer day. "Why not?" Eliza replied rolling onto her belly. "I'm a whore." Maria frowned.

"Well, your one hell of a cute whore then," Eliza chuckled and kissed Maria's cheek. Maria whined and rolled away from Eliza, "Shut up.." She mumbled. Eliza crawled over to her girlfriend and lay herself on top of her. Maria groaned but was visibly blushing. "Eliizaaaa.. Your making it even hotter, get off of me, fatass." Maria whined. Eliza giggled, "Nyaa..."

Maria pushed her off and sat up, "You fuckin weeb." Eliza pouted, "Yeah well.. Your.. A whore. So, bite me." She stuck her tongue out. Maria then sat on Eliza's lap and put her face close to hers, "Gladly," She grinned at the red faced Eliza. She neared her mouth at Eliza's exposed shoulder. Eliza tried to keep herself from smiling like an idiot as she impatiently waited for Maria to do something. Just as Eliza was expecting a melting feeling, she only felt pain as Maria bit down very hard on her shoulder.

"Maria!" Eliza yelped, her voice cracking as well. Maria giggled menicingly, "You said to bite you, so I did." Eliza shoved her away, "Your such a bitch!" She chuckled. Maria swung her arms around Eliza's shoulders, "But I'm your bitch." Maria hummed.
Eliza rolled her eyes, "I'm gonna go get some drinks, I'll be right back." She said, getting up and leaving the room, Maria staring after her.

Eliza came back a few minutes later with two cold soda's in hand. She handed one to Maria and sat back on the floor next to her.
They in comfortable silence. Eliza resting her head on Maria's shoulder as they drank their drinks.

"Liza, can I tell you something?" Maria asked blankly. Eliza looked up at her, "Yeah?"
Maria smiled at her, "I love you. I love you a lot." She giggled. A light tint of pink colored Eliza's pale cheeks and she chuckled, "I love you too Maria."
They were silent again.

"Also," Maria began, "Your ass looks great in those shorts." Maria grinned. Eliza's face went fully red, "M-Maria!"

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