Chapter Nine

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"HOW DO I look?" I did a little twirl as I came down the stairs, showing off the gown I was wearing. It was golden and had lace floral designs all over it. I pinned some of my hair back, leaving it in its natural waves as per Ian's request, and I tried my hand at makeup that would compliment my attire.

"You look tardy," he answered, tapping his foot impatiently. "Let's go." Ian pushed me out the door, not even giving me a chance to get my coat.

We went down the elevator and out the front door where a limo was waiting for us. The driver opened the door and Ian ushered me inside. The ride was relatively quiet since Ian was preoccupied with answering business calls, so I just stared out the window, watching the last leaves of autumn fall to the ground.

It was crazy to think that last autumn we were deeply in love with each other and exactly one year later fate brought us together again. The only difference, however, was that I hated this man's guts now. I couldn't even begin to fathom how naïve I had to have been to fall for Ian Adams.

The limo slowed down and stopped in front of a mansion. The sun was almost completely gone so I couldn't properly make out the entirety of the building but I was certain it was far larger than I could even imagine. The driver opened the door and we exited the car. I made sure to thank him, earning the stink eye from Ian.

He looped his arm around my waist as we walked up the concrete stairs. "Be on your best behaviour tonight," he growled.

"Whatever you say, Ian dearest."

He rolled his eyes but didn't say anything more.

The doorman welcomed us inside and took Ian's coat. Perhaps he could've taken mine too...if Ian gave me the chance to get one. As soon as we stepped foot inside, Ian was bombarded by various people, some whom I recognized from past events and galas with him.

"Good to see you, Ian," a man said.

Ian nodded in reply before whispering to me. "He's the CEO of Victor Homes."

"Ian, darling, I haven't seen you in so long," a woman said as she passed us.

"Co-president of nearly every big name clothing retailer in the country," he said to me.

Another woman came over and greeted Ian with a kiss on his cheek. "I was absolutely thrilled when I heard you were coming tonight."

He plastered his signature smirk on his face before kissing her hand. "The pleasure is all mine, Maurine."

It took all of my willpower to not gag at the sight.

Maurine looked him up and down before smiling seductively at him. "I suppose we have some business to discuss tonight."

"Depends on your definition of business."

She chuckled at his disgusting response. "I will find you later, Mr. Ian Adams."

"What was that about?" I muttered as she walked away.

"Maurine Finch is the CO of Medallion Energy Corp, and if I can use my charms on her tonight then she'll convince her father to secure our deal," he explained.

"Does dear old granny know you sleep your way to the top?"

He scowled at me. "You do anything to put my morals into question and I will end you, Ms. Rider."

"What morals?" I scoffed.

"Ian!" the voice of Millicent called out. She walked over to us, throwing her arms around her grandson.

"Hello, Grandmother," he responded.

"And Emma!" She pulled me in for a hug so tight it cut off my blood circulation. "You look absolutely gorgeous, my dear."

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