Chapter One

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I QUICKLY MINIMIZED the game of online poker I was playing on my computer when I noticed my boss coming my way. Of course he chose now of all times to make his grand entrance. I plastered the best fake smile I could muster.

"Good morning, sir."

He didn't even spare me a glance.

"Asshole," I muttered.

"What was that, Ms. Rider?" he sneered.

"I said you look very nice today, sir."

His mouth curved downward. "I'm sure you did."

"What was that?" I asked mockingly.

He scowled at me. "I said you look very terrible today."

I glared at him. I had a strong resentment toward my boss, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. Once upon a time ago, I spent my entire life's savings and all of the money I received from my dead aunts' wills on law school. Little did I know I would absolutely despise it. I dropped out halfway through my first year, and I came to the shocking discovery that I had not a single dime left. I applied for countless jobs, but it just so happened that I got hired at a godforsaken business firm as an assistant.

I didn't think things could have been worse until I discovered that my boss —who happened to be the spawn on the devil— was also my ex-boyfriend, Ian. To add the cherry on top, he was set on making my life a living hell all because I broke his pathetic and arrogant heart.

I let out a sigh. "Would it kill you to act more mature?"

"Would it kill you to actually do your job, Ms. Rider?" He detested me so much that he never addressed me by my first name. Even then, he said my name with the utmost disgust.

I gawked at him. "Excuse yourself, but I always do my work."

Ian reached over and he maximized the window on my computer screen, exposing the game of poker I was playing. "You do your work, huh?" He exhaled obnoxiously loudly. "I don't know why on Earth I ever hired you. I can't stand the sight of you."

I rolled my eyes. "The feeling's mutual."

"I tried to be generous to you, in hopes that we could try to become acquaint—"

"That's never happening," I interjected. "And care to explain what generosity? I can't recall you even being tolerable, so tell me, when the hell were you generous?"

Ian used his fingers as he listed every argument. "I gave you a job — an easy one too. I give you a decent salary."

"You pay me minimum wage," I said flatly.

"Tell me, Ms. Rider, how much did your last employer pay you?"

I immediately clamped my mouth shut. The bastard had a point.

"Moving on, I have been nothing but kind to you," he continued.

I snorted. "Name one time you were nice to me since I started working here."

"Despite how many times you were off task I didn't fire you." I opened my mouth to speak, but Ian beat me to it. "That is why, I am overjoyed to say that you are now fired."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "I'm...what?" I screeched.

He gave me an unamused look. "You're fired, Ms. Rider. As in dismissed, terminated, let go, laid off—"

"I get it," I said through clenched teeth. "But why are you firing me?"

"Two reasons — you are my ex-girlfriend, and you are terrible at your job."

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