Chapter Two

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"WHAT DO YOU mean I can't go inside?" I demanded.

The woman behind the front desk gave me a sympathetic smile. She was an elderly woman with bright orange hair that was up in a bun. She also had long, bright coloured nails, and black glasses with pointed edges resting on top of her nose. "I'm sorry, dear, but my computer shows that your key card has expired."

I threw my hands up, out of aggravation. "What kind of service is this?" Was this old clown seriously trying to kick me out of my home?

"I'm really sorry," the hag apologized.

"I want to see Wilson Davis," I told the woman.

She nodded her head and spoke into the headset she was wearing. "He'll be here shortly," she informed me.

I muttered a thanks and I sat down on one of the chairs in the lobby. They were incredibly uncomfortable, to say the least, which just added to my already irritated mood.

Basically, after running away from my supposed doom, I caught the next bus and took the public transit back to the building where I'd rented an apartment. I wanted nothing more than to jump face first on my bed and fall into a deep sleep. However, that didn't happen because when I tried swiping my key card the lock didn't open, so I came down to the lobby just to discover it was expired.

"Someone wanted to see me?" a deep voice said.

"Yes, she's right there."

I snapped my head up and I saw a short, pudgy man standing at the front desk. He was none other than Wilson Davis, who was better known as the building's tenant. Wilson didn't own the building, but he worked for the person who did.

"Is there anything you need, Ms. Rider?" he asked me.

I was ready to give him a piece of my mind. "There is, actually. You see, when I went up to my apartment, like I do every single damn day, the lock wouldn't scan my key card. I paid for quality service, not this shit."

He looked over at his secretary. "Nancy, did you find out what the problem was?"

The old woman nodded her head. "The computer shows that her key card has expired."

"Mind if I take a look?" Wilson walked over to the computer and he looked at the screen. He played with the end of his moustache as he read the information. "Ah, Ms. Rider, it appears that you are late with your monthly rent."

I did a double take. "Are you sure? That's ridiculous! I just paid my rent last week!"

Wilson shook his head. "That was your overdue rent for last month."

He walked back towards me. "We have a very strict policy on tardiness here. If you are late with your rents one more time, then I'm afraid we'll have no choice but to ask you to leave." He paused to look at his watch. "You have until six o'clock tonight to pay this month's rent. I'm sorry to say this, Ms. Rider, but if you fail to do so—"

"Then you're kicking me out, I get it," I grumbled. "Can't I at least go back to my apartment?" I asked him. "Please?"

Wilson contemplated the thought, but unfortunately, the bastard shook his head. "I'm afraid not, Ms. Rider. You can't go back in until you pay your rent."

I muttered a string of choice words as I stormed out of the building. Just my luck, huh? I knew for a fact that I didn't have any money in my apartment, so I waited under the bus shelter for the next bus to come. I knew I had about twenty dollars worth of change inside my purse, but that was all the money I had on me. I smiled wryly. I was so screwed.

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