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A fire element
Probably one of the sweetest and kindest people you'll ever meet
Stuck in a horrid relationship, and his only friends aren't even aloud around him because of they're elements

(And because the boyfriends a fucking prick. sorry, I'll leave now)

Tord was with his boyfriend at this particular time. He was acting nice, since they were in public, by holding Tord's hand as they walked, but actually, he was gripping it out of all his might, and Tord was struggling not to show any sign of pain.

"C-can you loosen y-your grip a bit p-please" Tord whispered to his boyfriend, Zach

"And can you shut up for once?" He whisper-growled back

Tord looked back at the crowd of people with a quivering lip. They were actually out in the town, which means different elements were everywhere. Zach never aloud Tord to do anything with or even touch a different element, and if Tord ever did, he would get hit, and sometimes not only once. Tord and Zach where heading to a library, not that Zach wanted to, but he was planning on meeting up with his friends there, Tord was just there because Zach and his friends already knew what they wanted to do with him. But the worst bit about it, is that Tord had no idea that this was being planned.

Zach literally dragged Tord into the front door, and Zach instantly spotted his pack. Zach smirked at them, and they simply returned it. Zach let go of Tord's arm and turned to him with a horrible face. Zach bent down to Tord's level and went the closest he could to his face.

"Do NOT leave this store, I'm talking to my friends, and then we're all leaving, GOT IT!?" He growled quietly at Tord

Tord shakily nodded his head. Zach proceeded to walk over to his friends and have the "chat". Tord decided to go and look at some books, since he was getting bored, and Zach never said he couldn't wander around. Tord walked into different isles, until he found the romance isle. Tord saw a book that looked interesting to him, so he picked it out. He looked at the cover, it was a picture of a girl and a boy, trying to reach hands, but I strike of lightning was stopping them. Tord started to read the back of it, the book caught his attention, and he wanted to get it, but unfortunately, he knew Zach would never let him get it. Tord sighed as he placed the book back in its usual spot. He turned around to walk away, but when he did, he crashed into someone. Tord fell on the ground and rubbed his head, but he was deeply apologizing at the same time, because his sweet little heart and sole was telling him to, even though he got hurt too.

"I-I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to, I-" Tord was cut off when he looked up to see the person he bumped into

"Why are you apologizing so much? It's fine, really, it looks like your more hurt then me" the person laughed as he gave a hand to Tord

"W-what element are you?" Tord asked

"Does it matter?"

"Well... um..." Tord proceeded to look around if Zach was near by, when he knew he wasn't, he turned his head back to the figure "n-no, sorry" Tord grasped his hand and was boosted up

"Are you ok?" The person asked

"Y-yes, thank you" Tord laughed a bit at himself

"Well, I'm Tom, are you here with anyone?" Tom asked

"Y-yes, But he won't mind" Tord lied, he knew if Zach caught him talking to someone else, he'd kill him, but he didn't want to be rude to this kind stranger

"Well, do you wanna sit with me and my friends then?" Tom smiled

"Y-yes, if it's not a bother" Tord shyly returned the smile

Cold Fire {TomTord} ~ Element au [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now