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Tord was the first to wake up, blinking his eyes a couple of times to make sure he wasn't still dreaming. When Tord was fully awake, and knew it, he sighed in relief and slumped out of bed. Getting out of bed was always a challenge, but it was even harder when you were trying to get out of you're lovers grip. Tom refused to let go of Tord, but him not being awake, made it so he had no idea he was even doing this. Tord struggled and wiggled to try and free himself, but it only made Tom pull Tord in tighter. Tord groaned and looked to his side. He spotted a little bear. Then had an idea.

Tord carefully tuck the bear and slipped it between Tom's arms as he rigged out from the bottom. When the sleeping Tom couldn't feel Tord's body warmth or presence, he pulled his arms to his chest. When Tom felt a little fuzzy thing in his arms, he decided to hug that instead. Again. Tom had no idea he was doing this. Since he was still in dream town.

"That was harder then I thought" Tord laughed to himself

\(T∇T)/ Time Skip Brought To You By My Lazy Ass \(T∇T)/

Tom got up drowsily, not really remembering completely what happened last night. When Tom felt the burn on his tongue, he remembered when he tried to deepen the kiss. Tom's 'eyes' widened and he pulled the covers swiftly from his body, releasing all the lovely warm air built up inside. When Tom realized he had his boxers on, he sighed in relief, a little smile of relief added itself too.

Tom rolled out of bed, face planting the floor, not giving two shits. Tom groaned as he got up. The bags were clearly visible under his 'eyes'. Tom tried making his way to the door, but when he did, he fell. Tom had no idea why he was so tired. Yeah, he's never been a morning person, but it's never been like THIS. Tom tried to get up or at least sit up, but couldn't.

Tord heard all the racket and decided to check up on Tom. Tord, thinking it was just Tom being stupid, just huffed and continued in his path that would soon lead him to the blue-hooded clad.

Tord turned the corner, to find Tom face-flat on the floor. Tord sighed. He made his way over to Tom and bent down next to him.

"Tom..." Tord said, poking Tom's head to check if he's "alive"

"Mmm..." Tom grunted our of frustration

"Tom, get up" Tord poked more, laughing on the inside

"Mmm... no!" Tom growled under his breath

"Oi! Don't growl at me mr" Tord said in shocked humor

"School doesn't start until the alarm goes off mum!" Tom growled louder

At this point Tord wanted to burst out laughing. Laugh with confusion and because of the funny situation that is. Tord tried to keep his composure by taking a big gulp and clearing his throat. He furrowed his eye brows and kept his back straight (but he struggled cuz he be gay).

"Tom, it's Tord, not you're mum" Tord said, trying not to laugh as he fails to keep his forced straight face

"Dad then, whatever, I'm not going..." Tom grunted with aggravation

"No, Tom, I'm you're boyfriend" Tord giggled a bit "and there's no school, you're too old for school"


Tom quickly turned around to lay on his back. He rapped his arms around Tord, pulling him down to lay on top of him. Tord didn't expect this action, so was shocked at first, but soon settled when he got comfortable.

"Oh, so now YOU don't want to get up" Tom smirked

"Oh shut up" Tord laughed

The two laughed in unison. They decided it was time to get up. So they stud up, helping each other in the proses, and walked to the bathroom. Tom turned on the shower and starting taking off his clothes. Tord just brushed his teeth. And since there was no mirror, he didn't know Tom was behind him getting unchanged. So when Tord turned around, he almost fainted with embarrassment and being flustered. Tord covered his face, earning a laugh from Tom.

"You can turn around now, I'm in" Tom said between laughing

Tord peeked first, to see if he was telling the truth. When Tord got his answer, he sighed in relief and uncovered his face. Tord continued to brush his teeth. When he was done, he walked over to the cupboard next to the shower, opened it, shoved his tooth brush and tooth paste in, and slammed it shut. When Tord turned around to walk out, he felt someone grab him and pull him backwards. Tord screamed girlishly, making Tom burst out with laughter uncontrollably.

"That wasn't funny!" Tord screamed with voice cracks

"S-sorry" Tom chuckled as he wiped his remaining tears away

When Tord realized what his situation was now, he squealed and covered his face again. Tom chuckled a bit, but also added was a confused expression slapped onto his face.

"What's wrong hm?" Tom smirked

"W-why have you done this to me!?" Tord shouted, flustered

"Because it's cute when you're flustered"

"Hmph" Tord pouted

"Oh cmon, just get undressed and get in already" Tom wined

"Fine" Tord sighed as he got out and started to "get ready" to get in

Word count: 915

Cold Fire {TomTord} ~ Element au [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now