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Tord woke up, not remembering what happened or where he was. Then he realized he was in a bed, and everything still hurt, then he remembered what Zach did to him. Tord shot up, tears forming in his eyes. Then he realized he wasn't even in Zach's apartment. Then he remembered... Tom...

Tord shot out of the bed and ran out of the room to the kitchen, to see Tom making breakfast. Tord sighed in relief. And a better sign was that his clothes were still on.

"Hey, you ok?" Tom asked

"Yeah, I-I just thought I was still in Zach's apartment..." Tord felt his eyes swell with tears

"Hey, Hey, don't cry, your not near him anymore, and I promise I won't let him touch you" Tom walked over to Tord and hugged him

"Th-thanks Tom..." Tord smiled a bit, feeling better that someone was there for him

"Why are you with that... I won't say it, but why are you with him anyway?" Tom asked

"I have to be... he's got a lot of money and my parents said if I'm with him I have to give them half of what he gives me... which is a lot... but it's not my choice... I don't want to be with him..." Tord let some of his tears go

"Well, not anymore, you aren't even going near him" Tom smiled, making Tord smile

Tom attempted to wipe Tord's tears with his thumbs, but when he did he got burnt.

"Owchy, that hurts" Tom laughed a bit

"I-I'm so sorry!" Tord panicked, putting his arms up to protect him

Tom frowned a bit at Tord's sudden action "does he hurt you too?" Tom asked

"...yeah... whenever I do something wrong..." Tord sighed

"Don't worry, I'll never hurt you. Because I'm not cruel" Tom muttered the last bit

Tord nodded and wiped his own tears away. Tom went back to making breakfast for them, and Tord sat on the couch. Tord turned to the side, noticing a pad and pencil that hadn't been used yet, laying on the side table beside the sofa. Tord picked them up, and started sketching something, but he didn't exactly know what it was yet. When Tom left the breakfast to cool down a bit, he walked behind Tord, Tord still not realizing he was there, and Tom observed what Tord was drawing. Tom could see stars, a black figure that looked sort of like Tord, then there was someone else that Tord was in the process of drawing, so Tom just watched. When Tord was finished drawing the other figure, tom could tell it was him. The picture looked like him and Tord looking up at the stars together, then Tord draw a heart in the middle of the two. Tom smiled, it was nice knowing that he could make Tord happy.

"Hey Tord, that's a really good picture" Tom smirked

Tord squeaked in surprise and tried hiding the pad. Tord turned round and awkwardly smiled at Tom and his smirking face, Tord sighed, knowing Tom had already seen it.

"It's fine, I don't mind" Tom laughed

"O-oh, th-thanks" Tord nervously laughed, his face a cherry red

"Anyway, I made breaky" Tom smiled

"What's that?" Tord asked, confused

"Breakfast" Tom said happily

"Ooooh" Tord laughed at himself

(◉ω◉ )つー☆ .*+ Time Skip By The Power Of Tord's Sweetness +*.

Tord and Tom were walking to the library, to meet up with Edd and Matt, that was when Tord spotted Zach in the crowd.

"Tom, we need to go!" Tord whisper-shouted

Cold Fire {TomTord} ~ Element au [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now