his is a story of Sofi's Life and the horrible moments that scared her for life, being a hostage and witnessing murders, finding her way out to save everyone that she loves , is she able to survive? and will anyone she tried to keep alive die?..
Ian: I just said that so you can come...you wouldn't come if i told you i got a extra movie ticket...
Amy: Why would you have another ticket?
Ian: I was going to watch the movie with Max since its his favorite Movie...
Amy: Oh god is that zombie movie...
Ian: No not at all
Amy: What is it then?
Ian:*Points at the poster*That!
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Amy: Hmm..looks good...Cool i will watch it!
Ian: Alright *BEEP BEEP* i will follow you in a minute just let me answer this call
Amy: Alright...
On the phone
Max: Sup
Ian: Hey Max...What do you need?
Max: When are we going to watch the movie?
Ian: Too late man you said your busy...
Max: I just finished my work...
Ian: Sorry got someone else to come with me
Max: Whatever i was fucking tired anyways
End Call
Ian entered the cinema Watched the movie with Amy when the movie ended..
Amy: The movie was a Awsome! Hey you seem upset...
Ian: I am fine i think i am just tired...i will go home need a lift?
Amy: No thank you, Hey wait up dO yOu ReAllY nEeD adVicE?
Ian: Yeah..
Amy: Come there is a quite park there...
Amy and Ian went to the park
Amy: So whats wrong?
Ian: I really like a girl...she is really sweet but...
Amy: heheh Butt...Sorry sorry.... but?
Ian: i wasn't aware that she has a boyfriend...
Amy: Its Sofi isn't it?
Ian: NO not at all! its a-another girl...
Amy: Well she is taken you cant do anything just leave her alone...or wait until they break up..
Ian: Yeah your right...i have to go i need to take care of my father see you at school
Amy: See ya!
Ian: Bye-Bye
Next Day
Ughh my head hurts...i got up took a shower i woke up early so i sat down on my phone scrolling through my Instagram feed...i got a message from Madison... and if you dont know her this bitch used to try to steal my boyfriend multiple times...i opened her message...and this what happened...
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what the fuck is wrong with this woman? i am running late i gotta go to school...
Sofi went outside the building as she was passing by she heared a car honk she ignored it for the first time...
Caleb: Are we going to stay honking for the rest of the day or are you going to give your boyfriend a kiss?
Sofi: *Surprised* OH MY GOD!
As Sofi got closer to the car Caleb moved it forward...
Caleb: Eheheh just joking come enter the car
Once again he went forward but this time he didn't stop as the car went forward a girl got up on the sunroof of the car...