his is a story of Sofi's Life and the horrible moments that scared her for life, being a hostage and witnessing murders, finding her way out to save everyone that she loves , is she able to survive? and will anyone she tried to keep alive die?..
Wait I should go tell Linda that Caleb is coming yay! I reached her home door and knocked the door multiple times and rang the bell but she isn't answering me maybe she is in the shower? Or outside... Whatever,Caleb is gonna come today YAY! I entered my house as I was going to put my coffee on the table the bell rang...
Max: Ready?
Linda: *giggles* Born ready
Max: Let's go
Linda Entering the mansion it was full of strippers and players I was on the gambling table 6 players...I guess it will take some time
Max: Hey man long time no see!
???: Omg Hello Max I know right uh who's that chick over there...
Max: My lucky Charm so ready to play?
???: Let's start...
Linda Game on the first player was easy to eliminate it was to easy to seduce while I was just talking to him I stole the money and hid it the same thing to the other players later I gave it to Max...
Linda: *Whispers* your turn
Max Let's do this I took the cube and exchange it with the one with me I won and doubled the money...
Max: Well guys I call this a night see you all later!
???:Leaving too soon?
Max: Yeah man I got some business to catch up to...
???: Oh well see ya man later
Max: Bye!! Let's go Linda
Back to Sofi
Sofi: Who is there?
???: Open the door and you will know :3
Sofi: OMG babe is that you??
Sofi opens the door shocked
Ian: uh hey
Sofi: Hi Ian why did you come now?
Ian: Well i came her to invite you to go with me to a movie since Max isn't coming so i got 2 tickets and i dont want this ticket to go to waste...
Sofi: Wait Max?
Ian: Yeah my best friend
Sofi: you and max are best friends???
Ian:Uh yeah what's wrong with that??
Sofi:*Laughs* Max is like the worst guy and you the kind person is with him??
Ian: What did he do??Wait how do you know him??
Sofi: He came to me and said"Hey girl I saw the future and you are in it when can I pick you up?" But why do u care???
Ian: Whatever I am leaving...
Sofi: What about the movie???
Ian: I am tried next time may be nice..
Sofi: oh okay See ya!
Ian: Baii
She has a boyfriend i should've known she is so pretty to be single...ugh...*Takes the phone calls Amy* Yo wanna watch a movie?I need your advice too...okay i will pick you up at 9 Alright bye-bye.
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