his is a story of Sofi's Life and the horrible moments that scared her for life, being a hostage and witnessing murders, finding her way out to save everyone that she loves , is she able to survive? and will anyone she tried to keep alive die?..
Sofi My annoying alarm goes on ringing i hate it when it happens all I need is 2 hours more but what woke me up is my mother sound telling me to wake up...
Mother:Wake up honey you have to get ready for a new living in America...
Sofi America...I wanted to visit that place when I was small now that I am going to be away from my parents I started to hate the idea but you know what made me get up and get ready to make my parents proud of me I woke up took a shower wore my clothes and went outside to say goodbye to my neighbors and my friends I met up with them had a cup of coffee and talked to them about our wonderful past "i will be taking my sister with me to America too" my friends quickly changed the subject when I told them that I felt that they knew something I didn't know but who cares I will go to America and start a new life with new people "Oh well guys ttyl I have to go pack my flight will be about 3 hours and I have to go get ready!" I went to my house and here comes the hard part telling my bf about my flight I decided to be a pussy once I will go to the flight I will send him a message about me leaving and then change my number I don't want him to get hurt but his parents doesn't want him to leave the country... As I was going to the airport I thought about my new life in America and what will happen but I cant see the future I got the message that I am going to send it to my Bf once I heard my flight number I got ready to leave and quickly send the message took out my card and changed it to a new one...
After hours until Sofi reached America's ground
Sofi It's time to say hello to my new living in America I went to my apartment as I was walking I bumped into a guy...
Sofi:Ouchy...uh sorry I didn't see you there...
??? Gives a hand
Sofi:*held his hand and got up* uh hey sorry there I didn't see you walking pleases accept my apology...
???:It's okay I have to be the one apologizing by the way what's your name?
Sofi:uh it's Sofi how about you?
Ian:It's Ian nice to meet you I guess you are new here because I see you holding bags or many I am wrong...
Sofi:Actually you are right my first time in America...
Ian:well do you need help with these gadgets??
Sofi:Uh no I am okay with it
Ian:oh well I um running late nice to meet you Sofi...
Sofi:Nice to meet you too...
Sofi I guess people here are sweet too I think I will be living a good life in America "Hello America Hello new life!"
~Ch 1~
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