Chapter 1: Ethan moving in

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"Ethan can you not leave your underwear on the floor please? It's disgusting!" I say, throwing it in the washing basket.

"Fuck off Hayley, I basically live here now."
Ethan says, walking past me in just a towel
on his way to the bathroom.

"Just because your mom's nowhere to be seen and you're staying here for a couple of days, does not mean you live here!" I say, rolling my eyes.

"Well luckily your mom's nice enough to let me stay, maybe I'll see you in the shower if I'm lucky." He smirks.

"Oh shut up you perv, plus my mom's only doing it because your mom is her best friend." I say, trying to push him out the way so I can pluck my eyebrows.

"Oh no I'm so offended." He says, sarcastically. "Oh and hurry up plucking that forest on your forehead, I need to gel my hair."

I just ignore him and take as long as I need, doing it as slowly as possible to piss him off. "Fine you wanna play it that way?" Ethan grins. I know what he's going to do and I turn around to face the wall so I don't see anything. He drops his towel and steps closer towards me, "it's" almost touching my body. "Don't flinch or else it'll touch you." He says, laughing. I sigh, and walk out. He always does that, every single fucking morning.

My phone starts ringing and I can't get to it as I'm getting dressed.
Ethan walks through my room "I'll get it, oh and nice underwear." He winks.

"Ethan oh my god, knock you fucking weirdo!" I scream, pushing him out.

"I've been called worse, anyways better answer this. Hello Hayley's phone may I ask who's calling?"

I realise today probably wasn't the best day to wear a thong considering E's basically seen my ass now, great, now he's going to tease me forever about it.

As quickly as I can, I shove my pants on and snatch my phone from Ethan.
"Hello, oh hi mom, yeah everything's fine.
Wait what?" Ethan's going to be staying with us until you find his mom. No no that's fine, I'm just shocked that's all. Okay bye see you soon hopefully, love you."
My mom's gone to look for Linda, (Ethan's mom) she's run away, so it's just me and Ethan at the house with the money my mom left me.

I can't tell her that me and Ethan don't get on, it would break her heart as it is her best friends son, plus she seems to think he's a good boy, which is not the case at all.

"You're living here by the way, but just so you know, knock before you come in my room and no watching me in the shower okay?"

"Okay got it, mom." He says, laughing.
He's still in his towel.
"And put some clothes on!" I say, covering my eyes.

"Relax, everything's covered that needs to be covered." He says, with that stupid smirk once again.

"So am I sleeping in your bed with you?" He says, raising his eyebrows.

"No, absolutely not. You can sleep in the guest room." I say, knowing what he'll try and do if he sleeps in my bed.

"Okay, fine." He says, walking to the guest room, and shuts the door behind him.

Suddenly, I hear a loud knock on the door.
I run downstairs to open it and gasp, it's this tall muscular guy standing there, he looks like Ethan, a lot.
"Hi I'm Grayson, you seem shocked to see me? Why is that? Is it because I'm Ethan's -"

"Friend, he's my friend." Ethan cuts him off coming down the stairs, finally with clothes on.

"Um Hayley can you just give us a minute please?" Ethan says, he looks nervous.
This is weird, but I nod my head and go to the kitchen, where I can still hear them.

"What the hell are you doing here Grayson?! Mom told you to never come back, I thought you were still in juvie how did you even know I was here?" Grayson tries to step inside the house, but Ethan pushes him back.

"Well I'm clearly not anymore, am I? Plus why was I even in there? I only stole a couple of things and delivered a bit of weed and cocaine, oh and I knocked on every single house in the neighbourhood" He says, laughing.

"Wow you must've been determined to find me and you were in juvie because exactly what you just said, you did stupid shit, now leave and go somewhere far far away from me!"

"But I like that Hayley, she's pretty. Maybe I can have sex with her, I haven't had sex in sooo long dude."

"Grayson stay away from Hayley, you hear me don't you dare touch her, and if you dare I'll kill you." Ethan says trying to intimadate him.

Ethan trying to protect me from a weird ass person, was he actually being a nice guy for once? I couldn't believe this.

"Fine, but I'll be back." Grayson says, chucking his beer bottle on the floor.
Ethan shuts the door and sees me standing there.

I run up and hug him "Thank you." I say, smiling.

"You're welcome." He says, smiling as well.

I guess he's not that bad after all.

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