Chapter 5: "I love you"

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"Hey are you all packed?" Ethan says, nervously looking at his watch, worried that we're running late for our flight, as he paces my room. I turn off my straighteners and put them in my suitcase. I wrap my arms around his waist and give him a tight squeeze. I look up at him and say "Ethan, stop worrying, we're going to be fine, we're perfectly on time, I promise, I'm all packed. You ready?" He smiles "Yes, I'm ready." He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead and we call an Uber to take us to the airport.

As soon as our Uber arrives he puts our suitcases into the trunk and we head off to the airport. "Are you nervous?" Ethan says, grabbing hold of my hand, fiddling with my fingers. "I think you're the one that's nervous E." I laugh, as he shakes his head "No I guess I'm just worried that something will go wrong." He says, now playing with my hair.

"Ethan we're going to be fine." I know why Ethan's nervous, it's his first time on a plane and it's mine too. But I know that we'll be fine as my mom has been on a plane so many times now and she's always got back home safely.
Once we get to the airport we have to wait a couple of hours for our flight due to it being delayed. Once we go through customs and security though, the hours go by quick.

Once we're on the plane Ethan and I pretty much just talk the whole time about the most random things and before we know it, the journey's over. Once we get off the plane I nudge Ethan "See that wasn't so bad! We got out alive!" I say, laughing.

"Yeah I guess it wasn't, I was just nervous to book this flight but I'm glad I did it because I wanted to do something special for you Hayley, because you deserve it after the way I spoke to you and treated you." Ethan says, I can tell he means every word.

"E don't worry about it, it's in the past. Plus I guess boys just act like that when they like a girl. They act like dicks sometimes. Speaking of dicks, I must say you're very lucky I didn't turn around in the bathroom all those times or else I would've seen it."

"Oh yeah, I remember doing that. I'm sorry. I was so gross." He laughs, going red as he's embarrassed. "It's okay." I say, giggling just thinking about it. I really should've just turned around, then he wouldn't know what to do but I'm nice so I didn't.

Once we get to the hotel room it's 12am and both of us just jump on the bed as Ethan wraps his muscular arms around me.
"I think I love you." He whispers, playing with my hair once again, as I lay on his chest. I get up immediately "What did you just say?"
Ethan gets up too as I look at him in shock, did he just say what I thought he did?

"I love you." He repeats, in his normal deep husky voice this time. "I love you too." I say, as butterflies roam my stomach.

We both go back to lying there and talk about sex, and it's actually not what I was expecting him to say. "So have you done it?" I ask, nervous for him to answer considering he's probably done it with a hundred girls.
"What do you mean?" Ethan asks, acting clueless.

"You're so annoying." I say, shaking my head as Ethan replies with "But you love me." And he pushes me down on the bed gently, getting on top of me. "Do you really wanna know?" He says, smiling as I start to loose my patience.
"Yes I do, just tell me how many girls you've slept with, probably loads, but I want an exact number.

"1, I've slept with one girl." He says, I can tell he's slightly nervous because he's playing with his hair and he does it a lot when he's nervous.

I smile "Wow I wasn't expecting that."
"Yeah well there's a lot you don't know about me." He smirks, kissing my neck as my eyes flutter shut, letting him do it.

He stops "You know it was so rushed and I didn't do things right at all. I didn't make it romantic, I just wanted to get it over with because well, I don't know, I was 17 and all my friends had already lost their virginities so I felt pressured to loose mine."

"That's okay Ethan, you don't have to explain anything to me, it's all in the past. I just wanna focus on our future together now."
"Me too." He says getting off of me, I look at him slightly confused. "That's why I want to make our first time special."

"But it's not your first time though?" I say.
"But it's our first time together." He says, moving my hair out of my face.
"But I want you, Ethan. I want you now." I say tugging on his shirt. He looks down and then up again, he grabs my face and starts to kiss me, passionately.

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