Chapter 8: "I told you so."

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I wake up in a room that I immediately don't recognise. I know for a fact, it's definitely not the hotel room, it has pale blue walls and it's quite cramped which really triggers my claustrophobia. I see nurses and doctors walking and some running, obviously busy saving people's lives or just simply treating people. I'm in a hospital, I realise and Ethan is holding my hand tight and a huge smile appears on his face, once I look at him, "You're awake, thank god." He says, with relief.

"What happened Ethan?" I ask, very confused, I can't remember anything. Maybe I blacked out? I seriously don't know.

"Hayley, you're in the hospital, you fainted and hit your head. But you're okay now. The doctor said there was a high chance of you waking up in a couple of hours after what happened and you can be discharged soon, hopefully." Ethan kisses my hand, softly.

"Oh. Okay well I'm not that surprised to be honest. I'm so fucking clumsy." I say, shaking my head and sighing. Ethan laughs, "It's one of your amazing qualities that makes you so adorable."

I give him a death stare and reply with "Ew, no not at all. I'm just embarrassed and feel stupid after I fall over something, especially when I'm out in public. I literally nearly fell over my own feet a couple of weeks ago when I went shopping. But thanks E." I lean forward to give him a kiss but he stops me, "I'll come closer to you. You're still pretty weak so just be careful."

"I'm fine." I say, confidently.
"Try and stand up then." Ethan raises his eyebrows. I get out of the bed and try to stand up but my whole body is weak and I automatically feel dizzy and sick.

I nearly fall over but Ethan quickly catches me and says "I mean, I would say I told you so, but you're probably feeling like shit right now and I don't want to add to that. But..." Ethan hesitates, "I told you so babe." I flip him off and he laughs, while gently putting me back into the hospital bed.

A couple of hours later, after I've been given some medicine, the doctor checks my head, and says I'm free to go now. I did have a mild concussion, but I'm feeling a lot better now and can't wait to get out of this hospital. I absolutely hate hospitals. (They make me think of stuff from my past, that I'm trying to forget). While we're in Ethan's car and he's driving us back to the hotel I ask him something I've been wanting to know about last night, and I think it's what made me freak out and faint because I was scared of what the answer might be, but I think I'm ready now.

"Was I okay? Like when we had sex?"
Ethan looks me up and down for a second and then back at the road, "Yeah, you were alright, I guess."

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