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Hey guys Midnight here... Hmm... I didn't know that almost all the books I made are like sad theme...

And this book will somewhat be a little bit sad...

ANYWAYS!! Enjoy this prologue~
Izuku's POV

"Why are you even trying" Kacchan said as he kicked me in the gut as I coughed blood.

"Let's leave, he's never gonna give up" his friend said as he looked at me "You'll never be a hero deku" Kaachan said as he kicked me one last time and left.

I wiped my tears away as I looked at my hand and clenched it "Begone Villain!" I heard someone said as I go to the source.

"You'll never defeat me!" A villain said as he threw a knife as a hero Dodges it "Oh I will" He said as he uses his quirk as lightning came out of his hand as the villain deflects the lightning using his knife.

"Woah! It's ThunderStone!" I said as I grab my notebook and pen from my backpack "This is so cool!" I said as I write things on my notebook. (Thunderstone is not from BNHA and I made him so don't think of searching him)

"Take this" he said as he throw Knives at ThunderStone as he rolls out of the way "Taste my Thunder" He said as he made a Ball of Lightning and throw it at the villain and hits him as his knife slides next to me.

The villain then looks at the knife then to me "Please help me" I heard him whisper to me as I look at his eyes to see Sadness, Depression and Fear as Thunderstorm shoots Lightning at him as he screams in agony.

'Why does the villain needs help to me' I mentally said to myself as the police arrives and arrests him.


'Is what the villain said is true?' I mentally said to myself as I sighed and continue to walk.

I was about to go around the corner until All Might as I jump back as he looks at me "All might what are you doing?" I said as All Might looks at me Guiltily.

He then sighed "Izuku I have something to say" he ask as I looked at me "What is it?" I said as he looks at the ground.

He then looks at me again "I'm sorry but... You can't Be a Hero" All might said as I widen my eyes and kneeled down on the floor "W-what" I said as All might looks at me getting more guilty.

"I said that you can't be a hero" All Might said as I looked at him in disbelief "Your joking right?" I said as I fake laugh but stopped it as he looks at me seriously.

"No this is serious!" All Might said as I shake my head vigorously while banging my fist on the ground.

"You said that anyone can be a hero" I said as tears began to flow out of my eyes "I'm sorry but your impossible" he said as he began to walk away.

I wipe my tears away "If I can't be a hero...." I said as I stand up "then I'll just be what they hate..." I said as I smirk.

"A villain they will fear" I said as I began to laugh evilly.
Hey guys Ayato A.K.A Midnight114 here... I guess this is my second BNHA book well the first one is unpublished...Discontinued...

ANYWAYS!! I hope you enjoy this prologue and see you guys later.


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