Chapter Six

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I realize -a little too late in my opinion- that we've both left Wakanda without a leader. I bring this to T'Challa's attention, but he's too concerned with revenge to think straight. "T'Challa will you pull your head out of your ass for two seconds? You are now king. You have forgotten your responsibility to your people. The Black Panther is supposed to protect it's people. You aren't even on the same damn continent. How are you protecting your people from here?" I try to make him see reason. "Spare me your lectures. Please. I will return once I bring Barnes to justice." "And what do you think they are trying to do here? Besides doesn't this seem a little strange to you? A man who has been on the run trying to avoid people as a whole, suddenly comes out of hiding to bomb the UN? An organization that he showed no interest in at all?" "His motives do not matter to me Ava." "Well what about Baba? He wouldn't want you sullying the Black Panther's name." "We don't know what he would want. He is not here to tell us." I sigh, and turn my back to him. "Fine. If you don't want to see reason then I cannot force you. I will return to Wakanda. I will guide our country and it's people in their time of need. They're grieving too you know." I get no response. I turn around and he is staring at the wall. I move past him without a glance and go to pack my bag. Once I am done I start moving to the door. "I don't get a kiss? Or at least a hug goodbye." I stop in my tracks. "The man I married would not abandon his people for a selfish quest of vengeance. You are a KING. You do not have the luxury of being selfish T'Challa. When you are ready to return to me. To us. Then you know where we are." I do not spare him a glance as I leave. The chauffeur puts my bags in the trunk as I get settled in the car. This whole time Okoye has not said a word. And I do not push her. "Where to my queen?" My heart stings. "The airport please. I would like to go back home."

Ok I know it's not a lot but it's six in the morning and I just wanted to give y'all something.

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