Chapter Seven

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The flight home was long and uneventful. Once I got home I realized that we owed our people an explanation. And since T'Challa was in no position to give them their explanation it was up to me. It would be my first time speaking to our people on my own. I prepared a speech and laid out my clothes. I took a quick shower to wash off the grime of the day and prepared to give my speech. I practiced and practiced until I was satisfied. But once I got in front off all my people my mind went black. So I just said what was on my heart. "Good people of Wakanda. In the wake of our former leader T'Chaka, my husband has traveled to the United States to bring his killer to justice." The crows murmured for a few seconds but eventually quieted down so I could continue. "Obviously this means my husband has left the care of our country and it's people to me." Even more murmuring. I held my hand up for them to quiet down. "I realize I do not have the experience that T'Chaka and T'Challa have. But you have my word I will do my absolute best in leading you all and making sure the kingdom is safe until my husband returns. Thank you." I give a weak smile and retreat back to my room. I call Okoye to me and tell her I want to continue my training. There's no use in me sitting around and feeling sorry for myself. I change into a crop top, leggings, and some sneakers and tie my hair up into a ponytail. I walk into the gym with Okoye and get into position to spar.
Okoye's back hits the mat as I pin her. My rejoice is short lived. We hear a commotion outside so we go to see what's going on. We head to the living room since that is where the bulk of the sound is. "What's going on?" I ask. Everyone's head shoots up at me. "My Queen, it is imperative that you retire to your room and a guard is with you at all times from here on out." "What?!" I ask incredulously. "What is going on. I will not ask again." I look around as everyone's facial expression darkens. "My Queen", one of my guards says, "someone has taken an attempt out on your life." My heart stops.

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