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*Bring- bring! *

Erica picked up the house phone beside her. Who could it be?

Hello, is this Erica Stewart? the manly voice questioned.

Yes. How can I help you?

Ms. Stewart, this is Macy Hospital, do you happen to be related to an Elly Stewart?

Ericas heart stopped, Y-yes. I-is there anything wrong?

Ms. Stewart, Elly Stewart has been involved in a car crash on Rossum St.

What! Erica thought. Thats ten minutes away. A-are you sure shes my Elly?!

Maam she was wearing a blue sweater and black jeans at the scene.

Erica gasped. How long ago was this accident?

Around 10 to 15 minutes ago. The ambulance has already taken her to Macy hospital. Erica glanced at the clock. Its only been 10 minutes. Tears started to form her eyes. She couldnt speak.

Maam we would like it if you came to the hospital as soon as possible.



I-is is she ok? Erica whispered. Is my Elly ok?


Ms. Stewart, Im afraid I cant discuss this over the phone. Your family doctor would like to see you in person. Im sorry.


Ms. Stewart?

Ill be their soon. With those final words, Erica placed the phone back on its holder.

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