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"Oh," the word was heard, slightly enunciated more as he could feel the thickness in the air.
"It's fine," Yoongi says quickly, shaking his head. "You're not the first to wonder. All the guys here did wonder, like you, so don't worry." his voice was calm and controlled, even if his mind was slightly pissed off. but he'd keep that hidden.

"Yeah," he heard the group agree, and yoongi smiled.

whenever you have something wrong with you, you will get people asking, over and over, yoongi knew that from first-hand experiences. everyone always asked but that was fine, you get used to it.

"ah, hoseok. you and yoongi are in the same class first period, why don't you go for a walk and get to know each other?" he heard namjoon say, and yoongi immediately knew it was to break the tension in the air.
"alright, sure." hoseok agreed and he heard his light footsteps. yoongi stood there, slightly confused as he didn't know what direction he'd gone. hoseok looked back over his shoulder and his mouth turned into the comical 'O' shape.

"ah, don't worry, hyung." jimin said and he felt hoseok just beside him again. "you don't know. usually, we hold yoongi-hyung's hand because he... can't really see where you're going, see?" he says gently, and jimin used his hand to interlace the pairs fingers, and hoseok made an 'ah,' sound.
"alright." hoseok said and yoongi was reassured as he felt hoseok pull him along.

"yoongi-hyung," he began, and he could feel his eyes on him again. "have you ever loved... someone?" he asks, his tone curious.
yoongi paused, the thick atmosphere back in the air. 

"how could i love someone i've never seen, hoseok?" yoongi said, and hoseok paused.
"ah- s-sorry, i didn't think-"
"don't worry."

they continued walking, yoongi heard the familiar whispering behind their backs as they walked up the stairs.
"slow down," yoongi says, as he was struggling and was sure he'd trip.
"huh? sorry, hyung." he says quietly, pausing his pace and helping yoongi up the stairs. 

"do you always get that? i mean, whispering about you as you walk by." hoseok asked as they continued walking.
"what's it like?"
"like having a constant shadow talking about you."
"i bet," hoseok says, "if they actually knew you, they wouldn't say that shit."
"just because you haven't got issues doesn't mean you need to rub it in." yoongi says, sighing lightly before adding, "sorry, sorry,"
"everyone has issues of their own, hyung."
"oh, yeah? what's yours then?" yoongi asks, slightly irritated as he ground his teeth together.
"social anxiety,"

"huh?" yoongi said, shocked. "how? i- i mean, you're fine right now, right?" 
"it usually comes to play in big groups like just. i wasn't myself then. i thought making a bit of fun of you would make them laugh, but they're not like that, are they?"
yoongi shook his head.
hoseok inhaled sharply, "they're loyal friends. make sure you keep them."

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