Chapter 28

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"Congratulations, Phyna. You passed the your second year midterm with the highest average mark of 98.4%, and your first year midterm with an exceptional average mark of 96.32%."

The crowd snickered at my first year midterm mark, but I shrugged it off as I smiled and accepted the box from the Dean of Students. I shook hands with the Dean of Students, and walked off stage. As I opened the box, I stopped rummaging through the items to see a triple memory orb. 

For some reason, I hadn't used my memory orbs at all since the incident with Leonard and Vayn. Every time I wanted to, I feared what I would discover about my past. Even worse, Vayn's words haunted me. 

I shook my head and returned to my seat as the Dean of Students presented other awards. Mook and I stopped talking for some reason, with the exception of academic and small talk. I didn't mind, but every time I saw him talking to some other girl, I felt a weird sense of jealousy.

Had I developed feelings for Mook? I wondered, as I walked out of the assembly hall and towards the library. Probably not. Maybe I was just jealous about the fact that he was talking to other people, and it was just coincidental that those people were girls.

Yeah. That was it.

As I headed to the library, I took a sharp turn and headed into the student dorms. There was something I had to do.

I ran up the steps and into the elevator, and pressed the number 4.

When I got off the elevator, I stepped into the floor to see an empty floor. That was to be expected. Everyone was at one of the parties going on right now, or studying in the library, or taking a class on the weekend.

Quickly, I headed for my former dorm, peaking at the papers and candles in my bag. Good. They were in place, and I would be able to use my newfound power of some sort of force called the Void.

When the Void had first made itself apparent to me, I was terrified. However, new voices shortly appeared in my head. In my dreams, they promised me power never seen before and the ability to uncover my past powers before I died. In addition, as long as I would host them, whoever 'them' was, nothing bad would happen to the school.

This was an obviously enticing deal, and I couldn't do anything but accept. And strangely enough, after the deal was accepted, the school discovered that all the Void Chambers across the campus were once again dormant or even stagnant. So the power did pull through with their deal. Interesting.

After the contract with the strange voice, I started reading up on the Void, and discovered it wasn't necessarily an evil entity as many thought of it. It was more of the origin of many things, but due to many dark mages abusing its power, it had received a bad reputation across the world. I just needed a strong mind to not give into abusing the power and losing my sanity. 

However, there was an issue. Every week, I would have to practice controlling this... power. This usually wasn't possible in the gyms because the uppertermers would be practicing until very late, and also because this power wasn't necessarily something people would be very accepting of.

As a result, I had to go to my old dorm to practice on weekends. It was quite big enough, but I feared that one day I would need a larger area to practice. 

So I was now here. 

I stopped by the door, leaning against the wall in a certain way so I wouldn't be seen, and opened my bag to look for the key.

It wasn't there.

I frowned. Where was it? It was in my bag this morning. How did it fall out? 

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