Chapter 1- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?-

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A/N: I really don't know how to format thoughts, so basically anything in italics is a thought. Sorry if it's like a rant >.<||


Chapter 1

Three Very Long Thousand Years Later ;)


I was still searching for her, the love of my life, my Ava...Cross that out, I mean Ava. She probably doesn't want me to call her my Ava anymore. But I was still searching for her. As I walked down the street many people, mostly girls, turned their heads to stare at me. Some of the girls even started to giggle and whisper to their friends. They all started at me like I was the main attraction at a zoo and they couldn't keep their eyes off of me.

Have you mortals never seen a man dressed in black before? I mean, yeah sure it's like, a gazillion degrees out and I was wearing my usual work clothes, which consisted on black jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket, but come on! It's not my fault I don't sweat. Blame that on who ever gave birth to me! Besides we're in New York! The Big Apple! The place where plenty of weirdoes dress in more questionable clothes than me! And-

"Please wait! The man dressed in all black!" A voice shouted out, breaking me from my inner rant. I turned around to see a petite woman chasing after me. She wore a baby blue blouse, a grey pencil skirt, black flats, and to complete the look, her hair was pinned up with a clip with loose strands framing her heart-shaped face. She also happened to carry a clipboard in her hand. The woman stopped in front of me, placed her hands on her knees, and panted as though she ran a marathon.

"Is there anything you need from me?" I asked as politely as possible.

"Oh! Sorry!" The woman said blushing as she looked at my face, "I'm Monica, and I work for the Clive and Co. Modeling Agency."

"So?" I prompted. She seemed to blush even more as I gazed at her in question.

"U-u-u-h...W-well...I was on the s-streets scouting for models, and I w-was wondering if you would like to be o-one." She stuttered as she continued to look at my face. It seemed as though she couldn't keep her eyes off of my face. Just like the twenty other people on the street.

"Why would I want to be a model?" I asked

"U-u-h...Well you have a very striking and handsome face. A-a-s w-well, you have good h-height and y-you fitted the c-criteria of a model we look for v-very well." She forced out, her cheeks reddening even more.

My face? Handsome? You're kidding right? There was nothing special about it. I recalled Zeus saying that my face was like Chaos', our creator's, gift to all of womankind, but it's Zeus, he joked about these things all the time.

I scoffed at the idea that I could be a model and decided to turn her down nicely. "I sorry, but I have no interest in being a model." I told the lady.

Of course, even if I did decide to model, it took up to much time, time I could dedicate to find her.

"Oh." She said as she looked down, her voice sounded as though she was sad to let this deal slip through.

"I am terribly sorry."

"It's okay, I'm sorry t-to have bothered you."

"It's fine. Goodbye."

"Bye." She said turning as she waved at me. I waved good-bye to her on last time before I turned and continued to walk down the sidewalk.

Now, onto the matter of how to find Ava, the best way to find her right now was through rumours. I can't ask for much help from the gods since one, they probably didn't even know where she was, she tended to go wherever she wanted to go without telling others, and two, half of them probably hated me since I broke her heart-and mine as well. Well the best way to get juicy, god-filled rumours was a demi-god camp. I could always go to one of those demi-god camps they started in the country. I mean what could possibly go wrong?





It's been around three thousand years since I saw that no good, lying son of a b!tch. Ever since that incident, that caused my heart to shatter like glass, I have sworn off men. This is quite similar to Artemis' moral, however, that only difference is that I don't mind if guys flirt with me, I'll flirt back. I just don't let them into my heart.

I looked down and saw that was fiddling with Aphrodite's necklace. The necklace was quite a beauty really. It looked like an old, Victorian style steampunk necklace. There was a dragonfly filigree wrapped around the bronze center. The center was shaped as a circle and the gears and screws were placed on top. A design of bronze swirls and flowers curved into a semi-circle and was placed on the edge of the circular center. A large blue sapphire was located on the center right below the wing of the dragonfly. Another blue sapphire hung at the bottom of the bronze swirl design.

But not only did it look magical, it was also mystically enchanted. The special necklace the love goddess gave me, helped masked my godly presence. Of course, since each god had a vast amount of power, this measly, but pretty, accessory couldn't possibly mask all my power. However it was able to mask enough of my power that if a god's were to set his eyes on me, to them, I was just an insignificant demi-god.

With the help of this necklace I was able to escape from nosy gods who wanted more gossip to the mortal world.

Snapping back from my daze, I remembered that I was currently walked down a street in New York, my new shopping center. Just then I heard a feminine voice call out, "Please wait! The man dressed in all black!" I looked across the street to see a small woman in a blue shirt, grey pencil skirt and black flats chasing after a man dressed in black from head to toe.

I couldn't help staring at the man in disbelief.

Does he not feel the heat? It's like a gazillion degrees out. If I dressed like that I would be sweltering in the heat right now. Oh, well people in the Big Apple wear crazy thing all the time.

I shrugged the thought of him off and continued to walk down the street in the opposite direction the strange man was walking.


Aaayyyyy! They just missed each other! If this was an anime, I could totally imagine the scene in slow mo just as they walked pass each other. Lol

Ava's necklace is the picture you see at the top.

It's a bit short but yeahhhhh, I thought it would be cool to end it right as they walked past each other.

So sorry for the spelling >.<

And grammar, writing is not my forte, I don't have an editor. But please don't give up on it.

I would really like constructive criticism NOT harsh comments! (There IS a DIFFERENCE! *gasp!* I know.......)


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