Chapter 2 - Psst! Over Here!-

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Chapter 2


I continued to walk aimlessly around New York City, not really staying at a single place for too long.

Weeell, since I'm practically dirt poor right now — my monthly pay check for doing work as a goddess hadn't come in yet — and I'm wondering around New York City, like a loser, I'll do some window shopping. I can't afford anything anyways.

So, being me, I walked into a bunch stores to look around but, I got of like 7 because I wasn't buying anything and I was 'loitering' around. Their exact words were: 'If you're not going to buy anything get out! We do not appreciate loiters and you are being a bother to our other customers!'

I really wasn't doing anything that would bother the customers! Really! Of course I didn't accidentally say I wanted to rip out the sleeves of an elegant dress because it would totally look better. Pssh, what are you talking about? I did nothing at all. Such snobs.

I was walking down the sidewalk when I saw a hand stick out from an alley. The hand waved back and forth as if it was beckoning me to approach it.

"Psst! Over here! I need you to help me with something!" Said a voice that came from the alley.

I probably should have just ignored it and moved on, but I was curious.

Oh man, in the future, when I look back at this moment, I'm really going to regret going into that alley. And by 'in the future', I mean in 20 minutes, when I'm running away because I think I'm going to be mugged.

I slowly crept towards the alleyway keeping my hand ready, just in case some dude did tried to mug me. As I turned the corner, I expected to see at least a person armed, so they were ready to knock me out and rob me, but I didn't expect to see an empty alley. It was a dead end where should have the person gone?

Shoot, the mugger is behind me right now, isn't he? I thought right as I felt a prick by my neck.

Wait. What?

They're giving a sedative? Those are expensive! I was expecting a 'metal-bar-meet-head' method!

As I started to fall to the ground, I heard voices shouting out.

"We got her!"


"Finally! If we didn't get her soon, her dad would have k-i-l-l-e-d us!"

On the ground, through the tunnel of black, that got smaller, I saw three pairs of goat legs standing beside me.

Hold up! Goat legs?

Oh, sh!t! This couldn't be anything good.




Why is the light so bright in my room? God d@mmit, turn off! Take a d@mn break already! You don't need to be so bright.

As I tossed and turned in the bed I tried to reach for the lamp that was on my night stand. But, as I rolled around, there wasn't any bed beneath me anymore.


Ladies and gentlemen, that was the sound of my head hitting wood. It wasn't nice, indoor, hardwood flooring, it was wood you would use to build a deck.

The hell, there is so many things wrong with this picture here. One, my bed is big enough that I can't roll off it. Emphasis on the can't. It's a queen-sized bed. Two, if I did roll off the bed, my head would have hit the nightstand before the floor. And three, I have carpet in my room. So it wouldn't hurt if I actually, rolled off the bed, miraculously miss the nightstand, and do a lovely face plant to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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