Chapter 4: Big Bunny Bully

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"This is great news, Max! I'm sorry I didn't listen to you earlier." Ruby said after she had read Max a letter stating that the mortgage on their home had been fully paid.

"Spife!" Max said happily.

"Yes, Max! Your Spife has been amazing for us. Thank you," Ruby said before hugging her brother.


The Spife began to get more and more popular. Everyone was talking about it at preschool and in the 2nd grade. Nobunny was buying forks, knives, or spoons anymore. People had even begun to have Spife parties and Spife conventions.

But, Max hadn't received an increase in pay. In fact, it seemed like his paychecks were getting smaller and smaller. Still large sums of money, in the hundreds, but if the Spife was selling more, shouldn't he be making more?


Mr. Swindler took a look at Max's finances. "This boy is making me filthy rich!" He said with a chuckle.

"The little bunny is too young and naive to even realize what's going on. He has no idea that I've been taking 99% of his earnings for myself." Mr. Swindler laughed as he transferred some of Max's money to his own account.


"Max, something weird is going on."

"Weird?" Max asked.

"Yes, Max. Look here." Ruby showed Max a website listing the richest bunnies in the world.

"Swindler!" Max said.

"Yes Max, Mr. Swindler is the richest bunny in the world right now, well after Mark Zuckerbunny."

"So?" Max asked.

"Max, you told me that Mr. Swindler seemed like he was poor. I called Mr. Karret, he said that you were Mr. Swindler's first client ever and that Swindler used to work at McRabbit's. In fact, they only pay him $10 an hour to manage your finances"

"Hmm," Max said.

"It just doesn't make sense, Max. With the Spife selling millions, and us only bringing in hundreds...meanwhile, Mr. Swindler is the 2nd richest bunny in the world... he barely makes more than minimum wage..." Ruby was deep in thought

"Swindler," Max said angrily.

"I think you're right Max. Mr. Swindler is a swindler..." Ruby looked down at Max who had a defiant look on his face. "I think it's time we did something about it too," Ruby said as she pounded a fist into her other paw. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2018 ⏰

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