Chapter 15

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Elsa's pov:

I'm so happy Jack and I are friends again. I don't know if I want to go out with him again though. what if I get my heart broken again? I don't think I could live with more heart break.

Jack comes into the room I was in. I look at him and smile. he smiles back. he starts to lean in. i panic a little inside. do I want to kiss him or no?

I lean in. he stops leaning in when our lips are 1 inch away. I hear him say my name over and over again. I smile.

I wake up and see Anna looking down at me. "Elsa why are you grinning like an idiot? are you dreaming about jack?" she giggles. I shake my head. I don't want her to think I still love jack. Anna smiles. I hate it when she gives me that look. whenever she gives me that look she always know I'm lying.

I get up out of bed. "Anna get out" I say. she smiles and goes out of the room. I sigh why is he so hard to get over.

Jacks pov:

I wake up and get dressed. I walk outside and go over to Elsa's house. elsa walks out and smiles at me. I smile back. "Hey elsa you look gorgeous" I say. she giggles and blushes. " you ready to go" I ask her.
She nods.

We were walking by a building and it falls down on top of Elsa and me. I get hit in the side and I fall unconscious.

I wake up. where am I? I look around it looks kinda like a house. "oh good your awake" says a girl. the girl has platinum blonde hair with blue eyes. she is wearing a white tank top and light blue running shorts. " I'm breeanna chase" she says. she's really pretty she kinda looks a bit like elsa except she's not as pretty.

"Hi im..." I say but I'm cut off by her. " I know who you are I go to your school" she says giving me a smile. wow she isn't like other girls who flirt like crazy with me. "Is elsa here?" I ask her. i start freaking out. what if Elsa's not here? I have to see her. breeanna nods. I sigh in relief.

"I should tell you something before you see her though" she says. "ok what?" I ask her. she starts playing with her fingers like she's nervous. I look at her worried. did- did elsa die? "uh... she doesn't remember anything" Bree says.


Hey guys I'm sorry for the short chapter and the long wait.

But don't worry I will kill your feels and you might possibly hate me terribly soon.

*evil laugh*


If any one wants me to read their story message me and I will read it ASAP.

Love you snow storms (that's what I'm calling you now)


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